If there are multiple shareholders, make sure you have the following clearly spelled out.
- What happens if one of you die, become a veggie, or get divorced. Maintain who has control of the shares of the incapacitated partner. And make sure that they aren't transferrable as community assets in a divorce proceeding. You don't want the crazy ex to have a say in the company.
- How is it handled when one party wants out of the company. The pre-nup clause as it were.
- How is it handled when you have an offer to sell and one party wants to and the other(s) don't.
- Cash calls. What happens when cash flow is tight. Who is responsible to kick in and what happens if they can't.
- Personal Guarantees - who is on the hook for personal guarantees for leases, lines of credit, etc.
- Po Po - what happens when somebody gets caught with that 17 year old with her head in the driver's lap "napping".
Pretty much just figure out the worst possible things that could happen and make sure you spell it out up front what happens.
On two of my companies, I am actually not considered an "owner", but I control the company. Put everything in my partner's names and let them screw with the taxes and legal issues. I have a licensing agreement for all of the intellectual property that is basically what those companies provide and then I have a buy sell agreement if they were to ever be approached for acquisition.
A couple of other things
- It is better to put it in writing before there is a problem then try to sort it out after there is.
- Take care of yourself first because even though you may be best buddies now, when money gets tight and it is hitting the fan, your best buddy will react to the financial stress. How that person reacts you don't know so prepare for the worst.
- People lie, memories fade but documents always tell the truth.
TLDR - Sorry it is long