Love me some Walmart fightin'

Where does one begin to criticize this video. The lady hopping up from the cripple cart, the thuggery of toddlerhood, the gathering crowd that does nothing to stop this ghastly display of Wal-Martian chicanery. Alas, now I know why the dolphins left.

from the news report:

Tuesday afternoon, Beech Grove police figures detailing their activity at the store:
  • 789 police runs from February of 2014 to December of 2014
  • 486 runs from January of 2015 to now
  • 472 arrests from February of 2014 to now
I think it's awesome how the mayor of the town call that Walmart a public nuisance. I know it's not like that at all Walmarts but I've seen my fair share of fights/trash/shit thrown at people at numerous stores.
from the news report:

Tuesday afternoon, Beech Grove police figures detailing their activity at the store:
  • 789 police runs from February of 2014 to December of 2014
  • 486 runs from January of 2015 to now
  • 472 arrests from February of 2014 to now
so they've gone up from an average of over 2 trips per day to an average of almost 4 trips per day. Nice.
I think it's awesome how the mayor of the town call that Walmart a public nuisance. I know it's not like that at all Walmarts but I've seen my fair share of fights/trash/shit thrown at people at numerous stores.

It's true. Go to most any Wal Mart and I can guarantee you that the immediate area is a shithole and there are large gatherings of white trash, thugs, losers, degenerates, and thieves in or outside the store.

Amazon should just run videos like this as their marketing. It's all they'd need to do. I will hit the buy button on Amazon 2,000,000 times before I willingly step foot inside one of these societal hellholes.
I was in a Walmart one year on Christmas Eve. I knew something was strange when the bagger put on wide receiver gloves. It was at that point they locked the doors of the store until police arrived to arrest some shop lifters who had two carts full of stuff.
The vast majority of Targets that I've been into are a) quiet b) pretty clean c) not full of trashy people and d) not full of trashy people fighting in them.
It's true. Go to most any Wal Mart and I can guarantee you that the immediate area is a shithole and there are large gatherings of white trash, thugs, losers, degenerates, and thieves in or outside the store.

The employees aren't much better. 75% of them are all tatted up and look like they are rehabbing from meth and heroin. (My sample basis consists of wee morning hours which is when I go every other week for certain supplies.)
The vast majority of Targets that I've been into are a) quiet b) pretty clean c) not full of trashy people and d) not full of trashy people fighting in them.

Yup. One store that falls in the minority of Targets is the one across from USF. Even the Wal Mart near USF laughs at the trash that shops at that Target.
What's more f*cking pathetic- the idiots fighting or the degenerate losers sitting around and filming this rather than breaking it up?

It's past due that we start sending assholes who film things instead of helping to Syria.
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