Majority of Americans approve of Trump CV19 response

Amazing job really. Stopping travel first from China in hindsight was brilliant while others mocked him for it....cough dementia Joe.
Trumps personality irritates me, but I like a lot of what he has done. As for the virus response, I think he has done fine. and the last 2 weeks has been real good. Pence has looked good, and the 3rd on that has impressed me is Gov. Como of NY. and I almost never get impressed by him.
The majority of Americans are complete and utter morons.

Sources: This board

Why do you think this proves anything? Oh, you are a religious nut job fanatic who would be the first in line to lick the blood off Trump's boots if he murdered someone in broad daylight.


This number will only rise.
Just like Trump's 'record unemployment' number will only get lower, right?*

Trump decided to fashion himself as a 'wartime' President and blame everything on China. Back when we should have been gearing up for this thing Trump was tweeting his congratulations to President Xi for China's handling of the coronavirus.
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Just like Trump's 'record unemployment' number will only get lower, right?*

Trump decided to fashion himself as a 'wartime' President and blame everything on China. Back when we should have been gearing up for this thing Trump was tweeting his congratulations to President Xi for China's handling of the coronavirus.

We did have record low unemployment. Why do you keep raising this? It's hilarious when you think you're making points that don't exist.

Hilarious watching you instantly meltdown when presented with these poll numbers. Face it, most Americans aren't as pathetically delusional as you.
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We did have record low unemployment. Why do you keep raising this? It's hilarious when you think you're making points that don't exist.

Hilarious watching you instantly meltdown when presented with these poll numbers. Face it, most Americans aren't as pathetically delusional as you.

I love how the tds crowd is using a global pandemic affecting the market as "proof" that the economy was never that good.
Trumps personality irritates me, but I like a lot of what he has done. As for the virus response, I think he has done fine. and the last 2 weeks has been real good. Pence has looked good, and the 3rd on that has impressed me is Gov. Como of NY. and I almost never get impressed by him.
Im a huge cuomo critic but he has done well to work with trump. After 9/11 it was nice to see both sides work together. If these guys continue to work together theres alot that can be done
Agree. But now it not yet the time.
My fund is a conservative fund that pays monthly income and tries to stay at a fixed rate between 11- $12 a share. It’s basically at it’s rock bottom. I’ll know in an hour how much it changed. It will bounce back pretty quickly regardless. On an $8,000 investment, we are probably talking a $600-$800 gain when it bounces back. It’s really an income only fund, but nice to buy it low in case I sold a ton of shares to buy something big
We already know what your poorly motivated, no drive, type thinks is a healthy retirement savings. Remember that thread? Pull that one up since you’re the expert at Researching WC archives


downplaying the virus SO hard from the onset and using the racist term “Chinese virus” was stupid. Other than that, what else Would any other president do differently?
downplaying the virus SO hard from the onset and using the racist term “Chinese virus” was stupid. Other than that, what else Would any other president do differently?

Don't care about the "chinese virus" distraction. yes its wrong and it stirs up his base and a lot of ignorant ppl will use it to justify further xenophobia against asians, but in the grand scheme of things its not a big deal. His biggest (and continuous) fuk up is lack of testing.

Other than that and the lack of taking it seriously, he's done an average job.
Yea it’s totally crazy to call this a Chinese Virus. After all, it’s not the Chinese Govt fault. All they did was have a doctor approach them with evidence that a new Coronavirus was about to spread in Wuhan, had him imprisoned, forced him to retract his claim, and lost a full month when they could have stopped this virus in its tracks before it spread.

Then when the virus did explode, they refused to allow any US or European doctors in to help with research of the virus and denied the WHO entry for over a month.

All they did was create a new global pandemic that shouldn’t have ever left Wuhan.

It’s all Trumps fault
How many viruses were named after regions and African names? Cnn was openly calling it the Chinese Corona Virus hundreds of times. Zero was said. Dumb to now claim it's "racist". Don LameOn called it that before Trump ever used that term.

It was started in Wuhan. It is what it is...
Yea it’s totally crazy to call this a Chinese Virus. After all, it’s not the Chinese Govt fault. All they did was have a doctor approach them with evidence that a new Coronavirus was about to spread in Wuhan, had him imprisoned, forced him to retract his claim, and lost a full month when they could have stopped this virus in its tracks before it spread.

Then when the virus did explode, they refused to allow any US or European doctors in to help with research of the virus and denied the WHO entry for over a month.

All they did was create a new global pandemic that shouldn’t have ever left Wuhan.

It’s all Trumps fault



It's no longer a question of "if" you would still support trump if he killed one person in broad daylight, it's a question of how many he would have to kill before you stopped supporting him.

I'd put the over/under at 50. Triple that number if they aren't white people.
Gallup found even stronger numbers

Trump’s response to the novel coronavirus pandemic may be behind his higher overall approval rating. Americans give the president generally positive reviews for his handling of the situation, with 60% approving and 38% disapproving. Ninety-four percent of Republicans, 60% of independents and 27% of Democrats approve of his response.