Mandatory Voting...


Diamond Knight
Sep 1, 2006
7th level of Dante's Inferno.

Now he wants to remove the right to choose not to vote. Anyone that thinks that this president is a Democrat (in the truest sense of the word) is greatly mistaken. He does not represent the vales of a Democrat at all. He, and his cronies have infiltrated the Democratic party (which is why I left). Part of democracy is choosing not to participate in the process.

Can you image the mess if unintelligent people were forced to vote? Christmas-tree the ballet they will...

I think it should be almost the opposite. I think you should at least have an associates degree...some measurable form of post-secondary education..
This post was edited on 3/19 8:44 AM by Malthus Doctrine
Under a progressive system, only one group has rights, the progressive elites who run that system.
Originally posted by goodknightfl:
Under a progressive system, only one group has rights, the progressive elites who run that system.
Here's the thing...many of the ethics and values of equality I 100% agree with! But I believe it comes with education, not draconian fixes and federal oversight. Central Authority is not the answer. Never was.

The further left a government becomes, the more the keys to the medium of control is handed over to the rich under the guise of providing equality to others. It is a ploy, a technique used in governments throughout history. Our government is not part of some pre-determined exception.

I really regret voting for Obama in 2008 thinking he was bipartisan. I ignored the warnings. I am so so very sorry.

TRUE progress is not forcing people to do something, that's regress. It is measured by the willfulness of people to do something themselves.

THAT is progress.
This post was edited on 3/19 8:57 AM by Malthus Doctrine
Originally posted by Malthus Doctrine:

Now he wants to remove the right to choose not to vote. Anyone that thinks that this president is a Democrat (in the truest sense of the word) is greatly mistaken. He does not represent the vales of a Democrat at all. He, and his cronies have infiltrated the Democratic party (which is why I left). Part of democracy is choosing not to participate in the process.

Can you image the mess if unintelligent people were forced to vote? Christmas-tree the ballet they will...

I think it should be almost the opposite. I think you should at least have an associates degree...some measurable form of post-secondary education..

This post was edited on 3/19 8:44 AM by Malthus Doctrine
I agree with the first 2 parts of your post but not the last.

Just because you don't have any type of post-secondary education doesn't make you any less intelligent or knowledgeable of current events, issues and platforms. Many uneducated but responsible people have figured out that they need to seek their own counsel and do their research in order to make an educated decision. My parents are good examples of this in that they never went to college but are citizens responsible enough to develop an understanding of the issues in our country and the world.

What worries me are those folks that don't give a damn and take everything that gets spewed by the media and politicians at face value if they pay any attention at all. My point is education is not necessarily a measure of intelligence and therefore should not be used as the metric. A better measure would be to figure out a way to determine how responsible a voter is.
Originally posted by fabknight:

Originally posted by Malthus Doctrine:

Now he wants to remove the right to choose not to vote. Anyone that thinks that this president is a Democrat (in the truest sense of the word) is greatly mistaken. He does not represent the vales of a Democrat at all. He, and his cronies have infiltrated the Democratic party (which is why I left). Part of democracy is choosing not to participate in the process.

Can you image the mess if unintelligent people were forced to vote? Christmas-tree the ballet they will...

I think it should be almost the opposite. I think you should at least have an associates degree...some measurable form of post-secondary education..

This post was edited on 3/19 8:44 AM by Malthus Doctrine
I agree with the first 2 parts of your post but not the last.

Just because you don't have any type of post-secondary education doesn't make you any less intelligent or knowledgeable of current events, issues and platforms. Many uneducated but responsible people have figured out that they need to seek their own counsel and do their research in order to make an educated decision. My parents are good examples of this in that they never went to college but are citizens responsible enough to develop an understanding of the issues in our country and the world.

What worries me are those folks that don't give a damn and take everything that gets spewed by the media and politicians at face value if they pay any attention at all. My point is education is not necessarily a measure of intelligence and therefore should not be used as the metric. A better measure would be to figure out a way to determine how responsible a voter is.
Good point.

I know some idiots with degrees...
Originally posted by Malthus Doctrine:

Originally posted by fabknight:

Originally posted by Malthus Doctrine:

Now he wants to remove the right to choose not to vote. Anyone that thinks that this president is a Democrat (in the truest sense of the word) is greatly mistaken. He does not represent the vales of a Democrat at all. He, and his cronies have infiltrated the Democratic party (which is why I left). Part of democracy is choosing not to participate in the process.

Can you image the mess if unintelligent people were forced to vote? Christmas-tree the ballet they will...

I think it should be almost the opposite. I think you should at least have an associates degree...some measurable form of post-secondary education..

This post was edited on 3/19 8:44 AM by Malthus Doctrine
I agree with the first 2 parts of your post but not the last.

Just because you don't have any type of post-secondary education doesn't make you any less intelligent or knowledgeable of current events, issues and platforms. Many uneducated but responsible people have figured out that they need to seek their own counsel and do their research in order to make an educated decision. My parents are good examples of this in that they never went to college but are citizens responsible enough to develop an understanding of the issues in our country and the world.

What worries me are those folks that don't give a damn and take everything that gets spewed by the media and politicians at face value if they pay any attention at all. My point is education is not necessarily a measure of intelligence and therefore should not be used as the metric. A better measure would be to figure out a way to determine how responsible a voter is.
Good point.

I know some idiots with degrees...
Many of them post on this board.
I am completely against forced voting. Most who pay no attention and don't care, don't vote. That is a good thing not bad.

I am against requiring a degree to vote. People on here with degrees now say they were duped by Obama, and the hype.

I have no degree and saw through him from day one. I follow politics, you can disagree with what I believe and where I stand, but I know the issues better than most who have degrees. A degree does not = intelligence or knowledge, merely training.

You can have a well trained baboon, it doesn't make him smart.
So the government can force you to pay taxes, serve in the military, serve on a jury, but not force you to vote?

Of all of the above it seems like what should be forcing is people to participate in the democratic process.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The government shouldn't be able to force me to do sh!t.

"So the government can force you to pay taxes, serve in the military, serve on a jury, but not force you to vote? "

I am in no way in favor of forced voting but I think that's an interesting point you raise.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ChrisKnight06:
"So the government can force you to pay taxes, serve in the military, serve on a jury, but not force you to vote? "

I am in no way in favor of forced voting but I think that's an interesting point you raise.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Interesting point, yes...but voting is a participatory process. The very action of abstaining from voting due to not supporting the actual system, or any of the candidates is also a democratic, free decision. Being forced to vote is very similar to Hong Kong's problems, they are forced to vote and the candidates aren't even representative of their region.

Obama's point about other nations requiring it is irrelevant. We don't define our processes in the states based on "what other nations" do. Other nations have their own identity, history, and set of values. We don't need to match everything else on the globe.

Other countries have a 1-child policy. Other nations behead people. Just because others do it does not mean it is the right path for this nation.

This post was edited on 3/19 10:35 AM by Malthus Doctrine
"Interesting point, yes...but voting is a participatory process. "

I understand that. There are quite a few times I have not participated in a particular election.

I just find his point interesting b/c there are processes that also should be participatory which aren't necessarily so.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
He never said he supported mandatory voting, or proposed mandatory voting. He said Australia has mandatory voting, and mandatory voting could be a possible way to lessen the influence of money over elections.
Terrible idea for sure. Just look south to Brazil to see how bad forced election are. I think John Oliver did a piece on the Brazilian election process, and it is absolutely hilarious. Wish I could link, but no access to youtube at work.
the best freedom is the freedom of apathy..

I guess in the long term, we may have to take a test to see how many votes our mandatory vote is worth?
Like people that can define, and know the root causes of a pulmonary embolism get more a vote than those that do not? Aka a doctor's vote would count for 4 and a lawyers vote would count for 4, but a teachers vote would count for 2. All USF Grads would automatically be put in the 1 vote category!
Originally posted by mach3ucf:
the best freedom is the freedom of apathy..

I guess in the long term, we may have to take a test to see how many votes our mandatory vote is worth?
Like people that can define, and know the root causes of a pulmonary embolism get more a vote than those that do not? Aka a doctor's vote would count for 4 and a lawyers vote would count for 4, but a teachers vote would count for 2. All USF Grads would automatically be put in the 1 vote category!
Nope, nope, nope.

That is just reviving literacy tests again. Fuk that.
Oregon has it right...they're passing a law that automatically registers people to vote & allows them to opt-out of that process should they choose to. Oregon already allows anyone to submit their vote via mail


Under the legislation, every adult citizen in Oregon who has interacted with the Department of Motor Vehicles since 2013 but hasn't registered to vote will receive a ballot in the mail at least 20 days before the next statewide election. The measure is expected to add about 300,000 new voters to the rolls.


Yet another way Oregon is making it easier for people to get their vote in.

Oregon already has one of the highest voter registration rates in the nation-73% of Oregonians were registered to vote and 70% of them cast ballots during the 2014 general election.
Originally posted by Angry Student:
So the government can force you to pay taxes, serve in the military, serve on a jury, but not force you to vote?

Of all of the above it seems like what should be forcing is people to participate in the democratic process.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Can they?? Yes. Should they?? No.
Agree, he will disregard the law and constitution more and more. And grab power for every angle possible.