Meanwhile, Over in the Cow-Pen....


Golden Knight
Sep 13, 2009
You are missing some fun times if you aren't over there from time to time. Here is the latest "truth" bomb from one of the myopic delusional posters.

This is referring to Gov. Scott's confirmation of our National Championship:

"You KNOW there’s no way in hell he would have done the same for USF had the tables been turned.

UCF is safe because they don’t threaten UF or FSU.

He’s a hypocrite."
lol @ the implication that USF threatens UF or FSU. Now that we both have med schools is there anything that USF has that we don't?
they are going to direct their anger in different directions and even kiss the blue bloods asses on their board bc UCF did what they wanted to do when they had a roster filled with Seniors
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lol @ the implication that USF threatens UF or FSU. Now that we both have med schools is there anything that USF has that we don't?

a virtually empty trophy case
a mascot national ship
speaking of ship, well a ship
a rental agreement on a stadium
... these just a few off the top of my head
Remember that PSA from the 70's/80's "Keep American Clean" ?

Well, I agree. Keep America clean. Kick USF out. Invite USM to replace them (at least they have a respectable history) or hell, invite Stetson instead. At least the Hatters know how to incorporate green into their uniforms well. And at least you don't need a glock when you walk onto their campus.

(Beautiful oak trees in Deland. Nice and historic buildings too. Pretty penny to go there though)
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That was really sad and pathetic to read. Some of their posters realize what we are doing and agree with it and would want USF to do the same if they were in our position.

But the position of Triple B and their moderators as well as the most vocal over there is ridiculous. They are sooooo butthurt and jealous at our successes that they would rather champion a system that keeps them down than see us get a glimmer of an accomplishment.
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That was really sad and pathetic to read. Some of their posters realize what we are doing and agree with it and would want USF to do the same if they were in our position.

But the position of Triple B and their moderators as well as the most vocal over there is ridiculous. They are sooooo butthurt and jealous at our successes that they would rather champion a system that keeps them down than see us get a glimmer of an accomplishment.
Triple B is the most insecure moderator on the internet. The sensorship is pathetic. USF fans should want a real competing board where dialogue is allowed, he'll even silence USF fans that try to be objective and say maybe UCF is doing some things right(OCS debate as an example).
You are missing some fun times if you aren't over there from time to time. Here is the latest "truth" bomb from one of the myopic delusional posters.

This is referring to Gov. Scott's confirmation of our National Championship:

"You KNOW there’s no way in hell he would have done the same for USF had the tables been turned.

UCF is safe because they don’t threaten UF or FSU.

He’s a hypocrite."
You know, had a Cow said this after the 2014 Fiesta, they could have claimed we were just a 'one hit wonder.'

But when it came right down to it, when they had all the advantages pre-season, all the momentum ... we beat them again.

I still wish they wouldn't have lost to Houston (sorry, but true). That hurt the conference overall, even if it was funny. They would have been 1 loss, and well into the top 20 after we beat them (and it would have given us an even bigger boost).

But when they drop a game against Houston, and get beat by us again ... and we go off an win a 2nd NY bowl against another top 10 team with a excellent resume (Baylor was supposed to be in the NC before injuries, the #1 offense of all-time, and all were back against us) ...

They might actually learn a little "reality." This is literal, total denial. I hope their own fans are calling him out.

I think their mascot won a mascot competition that year we won our first BCS/NY6 game.
That's why I said, "Hey, you guys must have won the mascot competition again!" to an USF fan after the Peach.

Even he laughed at that.
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the remnants of USFs time in the BCS may have finally worn off in recruiting.
Hadn’t been there in a while. Definitely worth a stop for the lols.

Here’s one of my faves:
“Wish we had a Bianchi covering the program.”

They’re even jealous of our Bianchi!
I just threw up every where!
Crickets are waxing their legs so they can serenade the cows to sleep. We don't have that kind of excitement here.
I went over there one time and got berated about our stadium safety status. They are like children.

They are so jealous of our facilities, fanbase, wins, and overall success of our program while theirs is on the decline. They just can't think objectively.
Come on guys, take it easy on the cows. After all...6-3 right? and according to their fans they would never trade that for multiple championships, 2 top 10 finishes, 2 NY6 bowl victories, an OCS and a national championship. And for God sake, they could never settle for an "erector set stadium" even if it helped their program as much as it has helped ours. No sir, they have their pride.