Men are collateral damage in the name of progress

This is what we get for our ancestors bonking women over the head with clubs and dragging them back to their caves. #cavewomenlivesmatter
Hire some of the unemployed to build prisons and incarcerate the rest. I bet we can improve this number to 1 in 8 with this plan.
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Well, 1 in 6 men in US are black
1) you know he's trolling.
2) The black enrollment may also be very female. Males of all races are having problems. But black males do seem to be not faring well in the current environment. Much less so than black females.

Black Women Students Far Outnumber Black Men at the Nation's Highest-Ranked Universities

The wide gender gap that prevails at all stages of African-American higher education extends to the student bodies at our nation's highest-ranked universities. But in most cases the gap is smaller than the national average.

“Because women have been graduating from college in 30-plus percent greater numbers than men for years, there are now four women for every three men nationally in the marriage-age, college-educated dating market,” Birger says.

It's the post forgive me for I have sinned.