Miami Heat to play at the BBC after American pulls out

Pornhub has 3x the total daily throughput than YouTube. Adding in Google's storage traffic (Drive, GMail, etc...) puts them more on-par.

Because of that capacity, most 2nd Amendment channels, and an even increasing number of 1st Amendment avenues, post their videos to Pornhub as a backup.
Pornhub has 3x the total daily throughput than YouTube. Adding in Google's storage traffic (Drive, GMail, etc...) puts them more on-par.

Because of that capacity, most 2nd Amendment channels, and an even increasing number of 1st Amendment avenues, post their videos to Pornhub as a backup.

Someone in the Dungeon said that they have a family member who works at PornHub Corporate office and it’s huge and looks a lot like any other major corporate HQ.