MSNBC analyst calls for ISIS to bomb Trump Tower in Istanbul

Bob the Citronaut

GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
Aug 29, 2007
And still has a job...

If you're for multiculturalism and diversity, you have a free
license to be stupid.
What troubles me is this is the kind of traitor that permeates the intel community. Party politics has absolutely no place in service to the Nation. But especially in his field. The oath to defend the Constitution means nothing with the likes of COmmunist Lefties sjw libtard limp wrists.

He should be arrested and put on trial for inciting violence against a sitting President!
He should be arrested for inciting a terrorist attack!

Arrest, indict, prosecute, convict, incarcerate. Rinse and repeat until the streets are empty and the jails are full. MAGA.
The left wing has become a dangerous threat to free society. They are comprised of violent extremists who praise and carry out violence in the name of hating Trump.
The left wing has become a dangerous threat to free society. They are comprised of violent extremists who praise and carry out violence in the name of hating Trump.
What I find amazing is the acceptance of this behavior. I see it on Facebook all the time, I have a far right friend who I have no doubt is in that alt right people talk about. He is self employed, he owns several restaurants in the Orlando/Tampa area so he has no fear of reprisal. He posts stuff on Facebook that makes your head spin, talking more about all that fake news stuff. It's easy to ignore him, all he does is post stories, he never posts any of his own thoughts or writes personal. Now on the other side I have a few friends/family that have no problem saying the most disturbing personal things about conservatives and or Trump.

To the best of my understanding, the reason you won't see conservatives say similar things is because we would either lose our jobs, lose clients or friends. Back when I worked for someone else, there is no way in hell I would feel comfortable writing some of the stuff I see the left openly right. I have no doubt that I could or would lose my job. Even today, working for myself, I would fear that I would lose clients at the very least. Liberals don't feel this way, they will attach their name to the most outlandish comments and wear them like a badge of honor. I have mentored several young professions not to do this as you never know who or what your hiring manager is. Just my opinion but liberals that post this crap either work as teachers and or government employees where it is not only accepted but encourage or they are just unemployed people that don't care.
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What I find amazing is the acceptance of this behavior. I see it on Facebook all the time, I have a far right friend who I have no doubt is in that alt right people talk about. He is self employed, he owns several restaurants in the Orlando/Tampa area so he has no fear of reprisal. He posts stuff on Facebook that makes your head spin, talking more about all that fake news stuff. It's easy to ignore him, all he does is post stories, he never posts any of his own thoughts or writes personal. Now on the other side I have a few friends/family that have no problem saying the most disturbing personal things about conservatives and or Trump.

To the best of my understanding, the reason you won't see conservatives say similar things is because we would either lose our jobs, lose clients or friends. Back when I worked for someone else, there is no way in hell I would feel comfortable writing some of the stuff I see the left openly right. I have no doubt that I could or would lose my job. Even today, working for myself, I would fear that I would lose clients at the very least. Liberals don't feel this way, they will attach their name to the most outlandish comments and wear them like a badge of honor. I have mentored several young professions not to do this as you never know who or what your hiring manager is. Just my opinion but liberals that post this crap either work as teachers and or government employees where it is not only accepted but encourage or they are just unemployed people that don't care.

I agree with your last sentence. People who post this kind of garbage are those with way too much time on their hands. Most I've found are underemployed or lazy life free loaders. Sane ppl on both sides the aisle in the private sector would never post this because of how it would affect their business. Even teachers wouldn't post this because how easily it would comeback to them.
Somebody probably should tell him that Trump only owns about 10% of the hotels with his name on it. He just gets paid for the use of the brand.

BTW, IF they are going to blow up one of the Trump-branded hotels, a hotel located in another country is a good choice
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Suck it up, buttercups.

What I find amazing is the acceptance of this behavior.

Relevant timing by Sir G. An active call for violence against innocent people gets a "suck it up, buttercups."

To the best of my understanding, the reason you won't see conservatives say similar things is because we would either lose our jobs, lose clients or friends. Back when I worked for someone else, there is no way in hell I would feel comfortable writing some of the stuff I see the left openly right.

Quoted for truth. To go with your point about teachers, I see plenty of teacher friends post left wing nonsense, I avoid it because I'd probably get canned for being a Trump supporter.
More than likely if Trump Towers do get bombed, the man will become a liberal hero. chemtard machater and the other liberal sjw limp wrists will champion this. I did not and still can not agree with obama, same time an attack on him(when president) is an attack on I/me as a US citizen. The left does not see it that way. They see victory for their agenda even if it kills a US American. To really stir the pot, just throw a cartoon frog into their midst.

This is what the democratic party has evolved into, folks — an evil entity calling for death and destruction of any and all that disagree with their Satanic agenda. Vote for them at the risk of your eternal life.