Mueller Report Has Been Filed UPDATE: 10 cases of obstruction of justice referred to Congress.

I guess it's good that the Democrats are mostly running disgusting sleezebags that also double as socialists and abortion-til-birth advocates.
Great point, 85!!!

All those independents and middle-leaning Democrats are going to hear all about those "disgusting sleezebags" the Dems are running and think, "Screw those scoundrels, Trump is my guy again in 2020, baby!"
Just curious, where in the hell is Trump going to expand his diehard base to make a 2020 reelection a serious possibility?

The dems would have to run their own disgusting sleezebag for Trump to have a ghost of a chance at this point.

I disagree. Dems can't think this way if they want to win. He is the incumbent - he has the inherent advantage. It will NOT be easy to win the WH back in 2020.
Impeaching Trump is not a political negative.

He needs to be held accountable. He at the very very least obstructed justice at a level that would have landed any of us in jail.

If republicans in the Senate want to provide cover for him then so be it but they need to be forced to make that call.

There needs to be accountability or else the checks and balances we all think our government is founded on is a myth.
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After republicans impeached Clinton they won the Senate and held the house and then won the presidency. It's just not true that there was political fallout from the Clinton impeachment.

The American people voted overwhelmingly for a democrat Congress in 2018 and much of that was because they wanted a check on Trump. They have a mandate from the people to do their constitutional duty and follow through. We didn't vote a 9% national margin so we could write strongly worded letters. Nancy needs to do her job and impeach that ass.
After republicans impeached Clinton they won the Senate and held the house and then won the presidency. It's just not true that there was political fallout from the Clinton impeachment.

The American people voted overwhelmingly for a democrat Congress in 2018 and much of that was because they wanted a check on Trump. They have a mandate from the people to do their constitutional duty and follow through. We didn't vote a 9% national margin so we could write strongly worded letters. Nancy needs to do her job and impeach that ass.
You make great points but I worry about the Democrats giving this steaming pile of shit more attention.

There are a number of good people running for President on the Democrat side. I'd like to focus our energy and attention on electing one of them.

Once upon a time, Mother Teresa said, "I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."
Great point, Wayne!!!!

All those independents and middle-leaning Democrats are going to hear about all of Trump's shenanigans in House impeachment hearings and a senate trial and think, "Oh yeah baby, Trump is my guy again in 2020!" :)

Thats exactly what will happen. You lefties have gone so far in conspiracy theory territory that you've scared most of the people in thr middle away.

The right has the Presidency, the Senate, the Supreme Court, yet you still speak as if they are in the minority because you unhinged leftists are the loudest ones on your echo chamber of twitter.

If you're so confident President Trump will lose re-election, how about we put $100 on it?
Sure. But my previous experiences with betting conservative blowhards is that they run away when it comes time to pay up.
Don't bet an anonymous troll with an account less than a month old who will just bail. He has only ever posted in the cooler he'll bail and we'll get a new account named heupelsfifthchin a few days later. He's a troll on a throwaway burner account.
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Impeaching Trump is not a political negative.

He needs to be held accountable. He at the very very least obstructed justice at a level that would have landed any of us in jail.

If republicans in the Senate want to provide cover for him then so be it but they need to be forced to make that call.

There needs to be accountability or else the checks and balances we all think our government is founded on is a myth.
i really hope the democrats try to hold trump accountable like you mentioned. i would love to see them launch the impeachment process immediately. long live tds.
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i really hope the democrats try to hold trump accountable like you mentioned. i would love to see them launch the impeachment process immediately. long live tds.
It's part of their jobs to hold the president accountable so I hope they do too. Get him to testify.
Don't bet an anonymous troll with an account less than a month old who will just bail. He has only ever posted in the cooler he'll bail and we'll get a new account named heupelsfifthchin a few days later. He's a troll on a throwaway burner account.
shook because you know its a losing bet lmao
This did make me laugh, because it’s actually happened.
Whenever a leftist is defeated and knows that "racist/homophobic" arent applicable, they resprt to troll.

Then they go on to treat Colbert, Noah, Maher like the bible for essentially trolling President Trump
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Imagine being so goddamn inbred you still think it was a Russian witch hunt. 🤣