Munich Shopping Mall Shooting

Sad irony on CNN's front page: read title under Obama

At least 6 dead and 3 attackers on the loose. Scary times over there. I read that all transit is down at the moment.
At least 6 dead and 3 attackers on the loose. Scary times over there. I read that all transit is down at the moment.

Much of Munich and Southern Germany on lock down. 500 mile stretch of borders are also closed.

Scary eyewitness report from 8 yr old who was in McDonald bathroom where on gunman loaded up his weapon just prior to attack.

CNN has video of one shooter outside the restaurant shooting rapidly at people running.

One CNN witness at McDonald's who is a Muslim female, said attackers said "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar" while he was shooting at chukdren.
This reminds me. Trump is going to be president unless the Democrats can scare enough transgender and black people to vote their way by telling them straight whitey is oppressing them. Tiny hands has better scare tactics.
Latest report is at least 10 could be a gunmen (took his own life) as German Police are using robot to exam one dead body at the scene for potential explosives.

"Nike" Jihadist...aka, "Just Do It Terrorist" what many in the terrorist world (ISIS Sympathizers) are calling this attack....but authorities don't know who this terrorist(s) are...and/or if they were ISIS Inspired.
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