My halloween

Happy Hands

Golden Knight
Gold Member
Sep 18, 2009
Will consist of me drinking and going up to grown men in superhero costumes yelling "stolen valor!"
Took the kids trick-or-treating for the first time tonight. Lots of fun. When I asked the people if they had any non-gmo, gluten-free options, or non-peanut options, they looked at me kinda funny. They didn't think it was too funny when one of my rattlesnake boots swiftly kicked them in the groin. I can't believe people these days don't think about healthy options for kids, god dammit.
Not one kid came by, I guess that is New York. I hear we are on the egging list tonight due to my son playing football. It's a thing here, we are armed and ready with our own eggs and paint ball gun.
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they = juvenile defense attorneys?, Paintball enthusiasts who don't want their marking toys taken away?, OR The secret commie-socialist-nazi-pseudoconservo-RINO-extreme leftwing terrorist-antisSemite-aparthide-maxist party?
Our Halloween was awesome. I didn't dress up, buy my 2.5 year old had a blast trick-or-treating. We just moved to this neighborhood last spring, so we were happy to see so many families out and about. We took my son and our niece around from 6:30-7:30 while her parents watched the house and handed out candy during that time. When we got back, it seemed to slow down and I thought we'd be stuck with bags of candy we bought. It wasn't but 10-15 minutes later the onslaught of trick-or-treaters came in masses. We ran out of 4 big bags of candy, so I started giving out the candy in my son's and niece's buckets. At least the stuff they're too young for, which was most of it. They didn't know any better. But I was surprised, there were like 20 kids in my driveway/lawn waiting for candy. I did put some Halloween sounds in the window and we had some cobwebs on the bushes, but it wasn't anything fancy to attract that many. After talking to a neighbor, they said people come from other neighborhoods and park on a back street to trick or treat in our neighborhood and the two surrounding it. Who knew. It was a blast, though. Had some drinks and sat out front and enjoyed it.
they = juvenile defense attorneys?, Paintball enthusiasts who don't want their marking toys taken away?, OR The secret commie-socialist-nazi-pseudoconservo-RINO-extreme leftwing terrorist-antisSemite-aparthide-maxist party?

According to Oxford, a gun is a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise.

So a paintball gun IS a gun. Changing the name to paintball marker to appease pussy liberals and shock news bitches with a pussy ass agenda doesn't change the fact that it's a gun. And there is nothing wrong with it being a gun and being called a gun: that's what my main problem with the whole thing is.
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According to Oxford, a gun is a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise.

So a paintball gun IS a gun. Changing the name to paintball marker to appease pussy liberals and shock news bitches with a pussy ass agenda doesn't change the fact that it's a gun. And there is nothing wrong with it being a gun and being called a gun: that's what my main problem with the whole thing is.
Wrong. Pressurized air isn't an explosive force since there isn't a breach in a pressure vessel.
You guys do realize that I call it a paintball marker because that is what it was originally called, right? It was used for marking cattle out on the range. Look it up if you don't believe me.
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