New WH Chief Of Staff is a Racist

Who cares if we have literal white supremacists in the White House? The stock market is doing great! That's all that matters.
He's got black grandkids. The dichotomy of playing to the crowd vs what's going on at home.
Yea, he already apologized and distanced himself from that one single quote back in 2015 but of course Shook Chicken doesn’t share that bit of information.

Meanwhile, Shook Chicken’s guy running for President is campaigning with racist anti-Semites and he has not a thing to say about it.
But he'll use it if it helps him. I believe his friendship with Elijah Cummings was real. Odd world that we live in.

Cummings defended Meadows in that exchange in Congress when noted anti-Semite and Bernie fanatic Tlaib tried to slander him and a black female from the Admin at the same time.