New York City Declares Using the Term 'Illegal Alien' Can Result in a $250,000 Fine


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
We Libertarians are for 'open borders' (but not the Democratic definition**), and New York tearing down the 1st Amendment (using the Democratic agenda) is going too far.
New York City Declares Using the Term 'Illegal Alien' Can Result in a $250,000 Fine
The Commission on Human Rights is likely running afoul of the First Amendment.

As I joked elsewhere, the term is the common phrase in the EU ... so are EU citizens and corporations exempt from the fine? What about law firms and corporate legal?

Do we only fine those who are -- ironically -- US citizens, Legal Immigrants and Legal Residents? I seriously mention this because most people that are anti-'Undocumented Resident' in my experience are Legal Immigrants who went through the process, especially if they've seen it in other countries, which are far worse.

**NOTE: We Libertarians are for 'open borders' and the end of the 'Work Visa' system, issuing Green Cards and no sponsorship, so people are paid their worth, and demand the same wages, unlike the ones who are sponsored, under the thumb for their sponsors, and paid jack -- insert both Google's Hindustan Computer Limited (HCL) workers that unionized, as well as the HCL team that wrote the 737-MAX code that is being refactored right now. We also want to charge entry at the border for non-citizens, at a price that is 1/10th the typical crime syndicate ($600 v. $6,000) that will generate public revene. That also requires us to remove welfare and other benefits, which is a good thing, because it's not 'opportunity' when people are increasing, not decreasing welfare benefits after 10 years. This is our #1 complaint with the left, they are breeding government-dependent non-citizens with various benefits and legal status. We also need to start charging people -- including Americans, politicians, etc... -- who are complicit with fraud, and underpaying workers, including the current organized crime-amnesty city racket that just feeds organized crime.
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If love to them try to enforce this.
New York state has a history of passing laws that are Unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court of New York regularly informs the state legislature that if they are ever challenged, they will be ruled as such. So they are hastily changed until the state Supreme Court changes its initial advisement to limited or other enforcement, and then they wait until it's challenged.

This is how the original New York gun law was handled, with the initial law basically outlawing almost all existing all guns, even ones with fixed magazines, anything with more than seven (7) cartridge magazines. So now it's legal to own 'higher capacity' magazines, as well as guns with fixed magazines, as long as they are the minimum for the firearm, or fixed, and loaded only with seven cartridges.

And as we all well know, criminals won't break that law by loading more than seven (7) cartridges, even when they go to break the law to rob or kill someone ... right?

Only New Jersey's magazine ban has a higher non-compliance rate (99%+) than New York's law (95%). I mean, 19 out of 20 formally law abiding gun owners are basically felons in the state of New York, and have been since 2015, for non-compliance. They are slowly arresting them in random car stoppages and home sweeps. We're so f'd at this point when it comes to our civil liberties, and I don't think the left realizes how it's happening.

Because you know what was scary about that? The state of New York spent two (2) years fighting Judicial Watch to not release the statistics on non-compliance. In other words, the state wanted to keep people from knowing 95% of it's citizens chose to make themselves felons. Why? Civil disobedience has its own, Constitutional reality, especially when people are arrested and charged when nearly all other citizens are not.

BTW, in other news ...

Biden just severely PO'd me on his Guliani non-sense, and CNN has -- once again -- proven they are just like MSNBC with their 'editorial discretion' in news story titles. Credit CBS for not changing it, Biden 'demanded.' So many have become like Fox News did during the Obama administration.

Civil liberties ... going away ... out of the various claims from Russians to truth. Fighting Trump doesn't mean compromising values.
New York state has a history of passing laws that are Unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court of New York regularly informs the state legislature that if they are ever challenged, they will be ruled as such. So they are hastily changed until the state Supreme Court changes its initial advisement to limited or other enforcement, and then they wait until it's challenged.

This is how the original New York gun law was handled, with the initial law basically outlawing almost all existing all guns, even ones with fixed magazines, anything with more than seven (7) cartridge magazines. So now it's legal to own 'higher capacity' magazines, as well as guns with fixed magazines, as long as they are the minimum for the firearm, or fixed, and loaded only with seven cartridges.

And as we all well know, criminals won't break that law by loading more than seven (7) cartridges, even when they go to break the law to rob or kill someone ... right?

Only New Jersey's magazine ban has a higher non-compliance rate (99%+) than New York's law (95%). I mean, 19 out of 20 formally law abiding gun owners are basically felons in the state of New York, and have been since 2015, for non-compliance. They are slowly arresting them in random car stoppages and home sweeps. We're so f'd at this point when it comes to our civil liberties, and I don't think the left realizes how it's happening.

Because you know what was scary about that? The state of New York spent two (2) years fighting Judicial Watch to not release the statistics on non-compliance. In other words, the state wanted to keep people from knowing 95% of it's citizens chose to make themselves felons. Why? Civil disobedience has its own, Constitutional reality, especially when people are arrested and charged when nearly all other citizens are not.

BTW, in other news ...

Biden just severely PO'd me on his Guliani non-sense, and CNN has -- once again -- proven they are just like MSNBC with their 'editorial discretion' in news story titles. Credit CBS for not changing it, Biden 'demanded.' So many have become like Fox News did during the Obama administration.

Civil liberties ... going away ... out of the various claims from Russians to truth. Fighting Trump doesn't mean compromising values.
I have been part of two fairly large corporate moves out of NYC over the past six years. The city is run by idiots.
This is what Republicans used to be known for.
Democrats have literally 'flown by them' after 2006.

Jailing reporters is what finally changed my view.
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Illegal aliens have no rights under the Constitution.
Well, yes and no. They have no rights to most taxpayer entitlements, but they do have 'inalienable rights' that are cited in the Constitution.

The problem is that some of them seem to have more than citizens at times, and less in others.
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