Nikki Fried Is the Hypocrite Florida Doesn't Need


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
As a Libertarian, I'm all for holding DeSantis and anyone who 'pays to play' accountable. I'm fine with the media investigating it too. Although it was interesting that some gave to Democratic candidates as well. And that's my general problem with lobbying and campaign contributions in general.

But Nikki Fried is not the person to be screaming about this. I like how WESH pointed out her own 'issues,' which makes her not only a bit too much of a 'hypocrite' to be charging such and even filing lawsuits, but someone who is 'wagging the dog' for her own reasons. ;)

'The head of the Republican Party of Florida responded on behalf of the GOP and the DeSantis campaign.
"Everyone knows Fried's false accusation that board members are required to make a contribution to the Governor's campaign is absurd. Fried, on the other hand, has lied on multiple financial reports "forgetting" to report more than $370,000 in income," they said.
It's true. The Florida Commission on Ethics this month found "probable cause" that Fried did not report lobbying income.
Oh, he’s a libertarian? I never gathered that from the first billion times he told us.

And BS is to libertarianism what the Olive Garden is to Italian food.
Wait?! I'm supposed to only call out Republicans alone, and never Democrats?

Oh, that's right, that's what you guys expect!
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Wait?! I'm supposed to only call out Republicans alone, and never Democrats?

Oh, that's right, that's what you guys expect!
No offense, but pointing out that you are a libertarian is not a great start to any post or discussion. Libertarianism is a feckless and weak ideology that accomplishes nothing because it stands for nothing. Maybe try not prefacing every statement with something that equates to "if given the opportunity, I wouldn't change anything because muh liberty".
No offense, but pointing out that you are a libertarian is not a great start to any post or discussion. Libertarianism is a feckless and weak ideology that accomplishes nothing because it stands for nothing.
Huh? No, it just doesn't stand for what the 2 most popular parties stand for.

Maybe try not prefacing every statement with something that equates to "if given the opportunity, I wouldn't change anything because muh liberty".
I would throw out about 95% of all laws. That's hardly 'nothing.'
Huh? No, it just doesn't stand for what the 2 most popular parties stand for.

I would throw out about 95% of all laws. That's hardly 'nothing.'
You'd throw out 95% of all laws? Sounds pretty conservative to me.
To be fair most conservatives in office today are progressive lite politicians . How many actually stand for the Constitution and Bill of Rights? Thomas Jefferson was the original classic liberal where he espoused the most amount of liberty with the least amount government to obtain it. Government does a piss poor job at regulating Hunan behavior and as we can see by COVID if the progressive lefts had their ways they would turn to authoritarian rule ,shut down any speech that disagrees with them and do what fascists do and that's co-opt private industry to do the dark deeds for the government like vaccine mandates through businesses.

A libertarian says you can smoke weed, do crack and heroin . however, it's on you and only you to pay for it, for your rehab or eventual overdose death and funeral.. Democrats want to regulate it and then bail you out from your piss poor life choices. Republicans want to have their war on drugs for elections and lock you up for it. In the end we still have millions using narcotics that are detrimental to human survival and the government has a bloated law enforcement system making money off the arrest and prosecution and incarceration of these people.

I don't know who that lady is. I think DeSantis is doing a great job navigating the pandemic and isn't reaching to expand power of the Governor's office and instill a fascist state laws and regulations. Compared to Democrat states and Biden who do nothing but ratchet up the fear to keep their power grab in over drive. Libertarian views are you have the freedom to be you and I have the freedom to be free from you.

The fascist in charge believe you have the freedom to do what they allow you to do , allow you to think and speak .You need to look no further than Twitter and Facebook. Soon covid will mutate again and when it does it will do what respiratory viruses do,get more transmittable and less virulent. When it happens let's see quickly Fauci and Biden lay their mandates down.

What we need are Conservatarians or just classic liberals like Jefferson and Maddison who recognize tyranny and recognize it's the governments main job to address the 18 enumerated powers in Article 1 Section 8 and rest in the trust placed in the 10th Amendment which says all powers not specified here in are reserved to the PEOPLE and the States. This is what needs to happen to restore our nation . Rand Paul and maybe Ted Cruz are the only guys in DC who remotely think like this and I hope DeSantis does as well . I get his position as a libertarian.
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Nikki Fried is going to be the 2022 version of 2019's Kamala Harris.

This psycho looking bitch has got some MAJOR baggage. She is a public meltdown waiting to happen. She has a horrible reputation and is abusive to staff and used her position to funnel money to her dope dealer boyfriend - who also hit her and then afterwards she fired her staff that criticized them.

Nikki Fried looks like the crazy ex-girlfriend you often see in the movies.
No married woman in her 40's with kids is going to vote for this Karen. Why ? Women with kids are going to resent the hell out of her for NOT putting her life on hold and having a family of her own. They are going to resent the hell out of her for still being able to go out and party and get drunk like a 20 year old everynight.

Women don't like each other as it is, they especially don't like women like her.

DeSantis getting called out for putting his job on hold to be with his wife is going to garner him a lot of sympathy from married soccer moms all across Florida.

Nice self own there, leftist scumbags.
No married woman in her 40's with kids is going to vote for this Karen. Why ? Women with kids are going to resent the hell out of her for NOT putting her life on hold and having a family of her own. They are going to resent the hell out of her for still being able to go out and party and get drunk like a 20 year old everynight.

Women don't like each other as it is, they especially don't like women like her.

DeSantis getting called out for putting his job on hold to be with his wife is going to garner him a lot of sympathy from married soccer moms all across Florida.

Nice self own there, leftist scumbags.
How 1950s of you

Fried has gone off the rails the last month but not having 5 kids is a weird reason to resent her