NYT admits Steele Dossier was fake news garbage


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
And admits that the FBI and DOJ had questioned the claims almost instantly yet still put it forth as "intelligence" to get the FISA warrant that eventually led to this entire lie, fake news, and hoax about collusion.

This of course did not stop people like Shook Chicken, Rachel Maddow, all of CNN and MSBNC, leftie pundits, and the WaPo from using parts of this dossier over and over and over to slander the President and put forward things as truth that we now know were lies.

The 35-page dossier, spiced up with tales of prostitutes and spies, sketched out a hair-raising story more than two years ago. Russian intelligence had used bribery and blackmail to try to turn Donald J. Trump into a source and ally, it said, and the Kremlin was running some Trump campaign aides practically as agents.

But the release on Thursday of the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, underscored what had grown clearer for months — that while many Trump aides had welcomed contacts with the Russians, some of the most sensational claims in the dossier appeared to be false, and others were impossible to prove. Mr. Mueller’s report contained over a dozen passing references to the document’s claims but no overall assessment of why so much did not check out…

While The New York Times and many other news organizations published little about the document’s unverified claims, social media partisans and television commentators discussed them almost daily over the past two years. The dossier tantalized Mr. Trump’s opponents with a worst-case account of the president’s conduct. And for those trying to make sense of the Trump-Russia saga, the dossier infused the quest for understanding with urgency.
Wow, imagine thinking the dossier was lies. Like the dude who was a decorated foreign spy and took down corrupt FIFA eventually just said **** it and started making stuff up.

Earlier today this was the biggest ammo against the dossier and it's authenticity. Turns out this too was accurate.

At this point it's pretty silly to doubt what's in that document.

Pretty much everything
In it

To be
A lot more

Here's your 2nd grade semantics breakdown.

Sources I trust: Steele
People who have seen the tape: Russians

What part of the dossier has been proven fake? I'm sure you'll respond to this post right away. Hahaha
Almost nothing in it was fake and it was materially supported by the findings of Mueller.
"I'll wait to hear the spin that I like"

This is equivalent to Coke writing a piece on Pepsi. Pardon me if i'm skeptical. Meanwhile Lynch meets Bill Clinton on a tarmac while an investigation was going on. Holder called himself Obama's wing man.

Everything right now is political.
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This is equivalent to Coke writing a piece on Pepsi. Pardon me if i'm skeptical. Meanwhile Lynch meet Bill Clinton on a tarmac while an investigation was going on. Holder called himself Obama's wing man.

Everything right now is political.

Shook Chicken is presented with an article detailing how the dossier was fake and based upon lies and hearsay and he responds by saying nothing is wrong in the entire document

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Enough is true to justify looking into it. There's incorrect stuff in there but it was accurate enough in regards to the Russia stuff to justify a warrant.

This article literally says that many of these claims are idiotic and FALSE and it then says that the other claims are impossible to prove. How then would you possibly know that's accurate or true?

Jesus. You are so desperate to justify this entire hoax witch hunt that you're trying to assert something as accurate when you haven't a slightest clue as to what you're talking about.

Yesterday you were bitching about where I pull news from; today I post a NYT article and you still choose to ignore it. I mean, [roll]
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Given that it’s now likely and possible that this entire fake news dossier was Russian disinformation to use over Trump when they needed, and given that this dossier exists becuase of HRC’s campaign who financed it, why are not we investigating HRC and the democrats who knew about the dossier origins for collusion with the Russian Government?
I was 5 years old when Watergate went down. What Nixon did was wrong and it rightfully cost him his job. Since 9/11 Americans have just surrendered their rights in the name of security or have looked the other way in corruption and abuse of power.

Nixon wanted to weaponize the IRS, President Obama did it. Hillary was an intern or newly minted attorney who was part of Watergate hearings and gets kicked off. Fast forward to 2013 and she literally destroys government computers , hides data on a server, breaks laws that would have had my dad and brother in jail with their top secret security clearances and then weaponizes CIA, NSA, FBI for political purposes. Nixon could only dream of power like this and the Clinton campaign did it.

What bothers me at my core is how the American media took sides and ignored real corruption of it's friends in order to win an election. Damn the Constitution, the rule of law, the Bill of Rights as long as their person wins, the media sat back and ignored a major abuse of power and corruption.

Then you have all the voters turning a blind eye to it all because they supported the candidate. I care about the Constitution and the rule law, I don't give a rat's butt about Republicans or Democrats. The media cares only about Progressives and the globalist agenda.

I wonder how many Democrats would care if a Republican administration did what members of the Obama administration did? Would they care about the deceit to the FISA courts to spy on American citizens? Would they care about real obstruction of Justice if Pompeo destroyed hard drives and tablets to cover his trail?

For me, I would be mad. I would be mad at the abuse of power. Heck, the Patriot Act angers me for it tramples on the 4th Amendment. Our government and political appointees are corrupt. We had a coupe attempt in America by the FBI and Justice department. That crap is only supposed to happen in Venezuela or Chili or Iran.

I don't get why everyone can't see past Trump and see bad actors did illegal stuff ? Sure it's stuff folks justify because Trump is a turd in their eyes, but it's wrong. It's an assault on liberty, the rule of law and the Constitution. It's corruption regardless of who is doing it. I would be the first to stand up and say Impeachment if there was an actual crime committed.

This entire thing disgusts me. I don't wave the Trump flag but mark my words I think if Democrats go down that impeachment road they will lose In 2020 and the mid terms of 2022.
I was 5 years old when Watergate went down. What Nixon did was wrong and it rightfully cost him his job. Since 9/11 Americans have just surrendered their rights in the name of security or have looked the other way in corruption and abuse of power.

Nixon wanted to weaponize the IRS, President Obama did it. Hillary was an intern or newly minted attorney who was part of Watergate hearings and gets kicked off. Fast forward to 2013 and she literally destroys government computers , hides data on a server, breaks laws that would have had my dad and brother in jail with their top secret security clearances and then weaponizes CIA, NSA, FBI for political purposes. Nixon could only dream of power like this and the Clinton campaign did it.

What bothers me at my core is how the American media took sides and ignored real corruption of it's friends in order to win an election. Damn the Constitution, the rule of law, the Bill of Rights as long as their person wins, the media sat back and ignored a major abuse of power and corruption.

Then you have all the voters turning a blind eye to it all because they supported the candidate. I care about the Constitution and the rule law, I don't give a rat's butt about Republicans or Democrats. The media cares only about Progressives and the globalist agenda.

I wonder how many Democrats would care if a Republican administration did what members of the Obama administration did? Would they care about the deceit to the FISA courts to spy on American citizens? Would they care about real obstruction of Justice if Pompeo destroyed hard drives and tablets to cover his trail?

For me, I would be mad. I would be mad at the abuse of power. Heck, the Patriot Act angers me for it tramples on the 4th Amendment. Our government and political appointees are corrupt. We had a coupe attempt in America by the FBI and Justice department. That crap is only supposed to happen in Venezuela or Chili or Iran.

I don't get why everyone can't see past Trump and see bad actors did illegal stuff ? Sure it's stuff folks justify because Trump is a turd in their eyes, but it's wrong. It's an assault on liberty, the rule of law and the Constitution. It's corruption regardless of who is doing it. I would be the first to stand up and say Impeachment if there was an actual crime committed.

This entire thing disgusts me. I don't wave the Trump flag but mark my words I think if Democrats go down that impeachment road they will lose In 2020 and the mid terms of 2022.

I started out as a never trumper because I think his character is despicable, but the longer this stuff continues I'm starting to question my earlier opinions of him. If he really is as bad as I thought, you would think that Washington elites could have actually found something true about him that was as terrible as the stuff they had to make up. It really is starting to seem like the agenda has nothing to do with whether he is fit for office and everything to do with fear of him as a figurehead for the moderate and conservative populist movement.
If liberals really care about RUSSIA!!! as much as they claimed, then they can issue apologies to the President for lying about him and slandering him for 3 years, and then demand further investigation into what appears to be actual collusion. The HRC campaign paying Steele for known or possible Russian disinformation to slander and leak to the press. Or, to have an “insurance policy” as Obama lackey Peter Strzok said to Lisa Page

I was 5 years old when Watergate went down. What Nixon did was wrong and it rightfully cost him his job. Since 9/11 Americans have just surrendered their rights in the name of security or have looked the other way in corruption and abuse of power.

Nixon wanted to weaponize the IRS, President Obama did it. Hillary was an intern or newly minted attorney who was part of Watergate hearings and gets kicked off. Fast forward to 2013 and she literally destroys government computers , hides data on a server, breaks laws that would have had my dad and brother in jail with their top secret security clearances and then weaponizes CIA, NSA, FBI for political purposes. Nixon could only dream of power like this and the Clinton campaign did it.

What bothers me at my core is how the American media took sides and ignored real corruption of it's friends in order to win an election. Damn the Constitution, the rule of law, the Bill of Rights as long as their person wins, the media sat back and ignored a major abuse of power and corruption.

Then you have all the voters turning a blind eye to it all because they supported the candidate. I care about the Constitution and the rule law, I don't give a rat's butt about Republicans or Democrats. The media cares only about Progressives and the globalist agenda.

I wonder how many Democrats would care if a Republican administration did what members of the Obama administration did? Would they care about the deceit to the FISA courts to spy on American citizens? Would they care about real obstruction of Justice if Pompeo destroyed hard drives and tablets to cover his trail?

For me, I would be mad. I would be mad at the abuse of power. Heck, the Patriot Act angers me for it tramples on the 4th Amendment. Our government and political appointees are corrupt. We had a coupe attempt in America by the FBI and Justice department. That crap is only supposed to happen in Venezuela or Chili or Iran.

I don't get why everyone can't see past Trump and see bad actors did illegal stuff ? Sure it's stuff folks justify because Trump is a turd in their eyes, but it's wrong. It's an assault on liberty, the rule of law and the Constitution. It's corruption regardless of who is doing it. I would be the first to stand up and say Impeachment if there was an actual crime committed.

This entire thing disgusts me. I don't wave the Trump flag but mark my words I think if Democrats go down that impeachment road they will lose In 2020 and the mid terms of 2022.
after what they did to kavanaugh i cant see myself voting for a D in any election for the foreseeable future. they need to completely clean house.
When do we look at why HRC was paying for fake news Russian produced hitpiece dossiers? And when do we assess how and why this fake news Russian produced dossier got into the hands of Obama lackey FBI agents, which ended up as key "evidence" to obtain FISA warrants to being spying on the Trump Campaign?
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When do we look at why HRC was paying for fake news Russian produced hitpiece dossiers? And when do we assess how and why this fake news Russian produced dossier got into the hands of Obama lackey FBI agents, which ended up as key "evidence" to obtain FISA warrants to being spying on the Trump Campaign?
The DOJ Inspector General has been investigating this for a year. I'm guessing that you'll see procedure and policy changes. I guess it may be possible that he'll recommend an actual criminal investigation and one will proceed.

Lindsey Graham has been working Barr for an investigation, but Barr said he's going to wait for the IG's report. Congress can investigate whatever they want, but that scope may become limited by Trump's lawsuit to stop the Rep. Cummings subpoenas of his tax records. That filing puts forth the argument that Congress's investigation powers should be limited to that which leads to legislation and not usurping the Executive and Judicial branch's investigative powers. It's a well-reasoned and compelling argument so that will be interesting to watch.