Originally posted by mach3ucf:
Look just like in Israel, I want peace. I do not want the need for bombs, bullets, armies, or anything. As does every Israeli.
In Israel all they want to do is live free, and in peace. No one wants to have to live under threat of their lives on a weekly or daily basis.
Only if everyone would just be honest and get along!
But that is utopia.
Currently Iran and North Korea have a pact. And Iran is learning about how to build a Nuclear weapon with IAEA weapons inspectors present. How to conceal a site, and so forth. It's called sleight of hand.
I would have no issue with Iran having Nukes, actually they were very Pro-Israel Iran. Persians and Jews somewhat can get along.
The problem is not the majority of Iranians but the minority of which are the ones in power which are the Ayatollah, Iran's Generals and their terrorist puppets Hezbollah.
Many in Iran are against the government, but are afraid to speak out in public, as free speech is not welcome there!
One of the Journalists defected as he was seen as a Pro-government guy, but figures when he defected he did not agree with anything he wrote, since the freedom of press is a key essential towards our Democracy, and towards civilians being free in general.
As the deal goes, we get none of the 4 or 5 That we know of Americans being held prisoner in Iran.
We get inspections, but as some are saying in the media in Iran, they are limited to 6,000 working at one time. Which means they can have only 6,000 working at this site, and then they want to have another 6,000 working the next hour elsewhere. They already are figuring out how to cheat the US on the deal. Which brings up cheating...
If you are cheated on, how many times do you trust someone. I give everyone a second chance. But that is it..
Iran has cheated on the World over 14 times when it comes to Nukes, and sanctions that were put on them post.
If your lover or spouse cheats on you once.. ok, if was human to have an error.. but over 10 times, how do you stay with them?
Also cannot think of anyone running in 2016 that may have been cheated on? lol..