OMG, Now Elmo's Drinking the Refugee Propaganda KoolAid


Bronze Knight
Apr 21, 2008
Yes, that red puppet is now the latest tool in the liberal arsenal to try and politically brainwash kids at a very young and impressionable age. Maybe it's payback for PBS' budget being cut or something, who knows.

:40 to 1:25 and 6:06 to 6:26
Elmo thinks it's important to be kind to people and treat others they way you want to be treated? He's a monster! The fact that Elmo went all the way to Jordan to visit kids who have lost there homes and could use some type of hope, makes me happy.
Elmo thinks it's important to be kind to people and treat others they way you want to be treated? He's a monster! The fact that Elmo went all the way to Jordan to visit kids who have lost there homes and could use some type of hope, makes me happy.
What's Elmo's next antics? Blindly baking wedding cakes for everyone? Kids don't know adulthood is serious business.
Publish fake news with no vetting or research, interview hand puppets, ditch real news to propagate a witch hunt, what a great news organization.
Elmo was created by someone who was accused if not tried for child rape. Biiiiiiiiig surprise, once you know this Elmo is just seen as a clear projection of twisted inner child abuse all ****ed ups crazy gai stuff shite, ya know?

they have CNN on in every airport, doctor's office waiting room, etc. They are using Elmo to indoctrinate little kids. They are making their propaganda as basic, childish, and emotional as possible so there is no way we can interpret and ridicule it using any semblance of logic.