Only dictators try to imprison their opponents


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004

Not that the leftists here will respond, but it's just more proof that your side isn't really in favor of democracy.
No responses. What a pathetic, loser!!!


Not that the leftists here will respond, but it's just more proof that your side isn't really in favor of democracy.
This is only going to make Trump more popular in 2024.

I really cannot stand Trump, but blaming him for January 6th, like so many other things, is just a massive stretch. The level of proof required will be extensive and, frankly, just like the whole Russia thing ... it doesn't hold up at all, not even close.

Just more hypocrisy to those of us logical.

They are free to go after him for not accepting the Electoral College results. I'd much rather see him censored or even judged on that. But to say he was behind the January 6th riot for failing to accept ... that's just not going to hold water.

And if they want to make it political ... like most things the left does, it'll backfire on them.
Being held accountable for comitting a crime has nothing to do with democracy. IF this is your logic then I assume you think that politicians should be above the law?
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Being held accountable for comitting a crime has nothing to do with democracy. IF this is your logic then I assume you think that politicians should be above the law?
The point is that penalizing and imprisoning political opponents for exercising their 1st amendment rights is the opposite of democratic principles.
Being held accountable for comitting a crime has nothing to do with democracy. IF this is your logic then I assume you think that politicians should be above the law?
Filing lawsuits and questioning the results of state elections isn't illegal and has nothing to do with January 6th. That's what's even pissing me off!

I've been on Trump, just like Paul Rand has, since Trump refused to accept the Electoral College in mid-December. That 100% turns me totally 100% against Trump. He needed to go.

But this insistence that Trump was involved in people rushing the building on January 6th, just like the Russian bullshit that bites the existing, career politicians far more than Trump, is way too far of a stretch.

I'm also tired of the loaded bullshit that all sorts of people had weapons and were violent. Even the Oath Keepers were not armed. They left their weapons at home or in a hotel. Their weapons charges are either non-existant or for improper storage and/or not allowed where they left them.

2/3rds of the people didn't even enter the building, and a lot of people got 'caught up in the crowd.' Only a handful were actually armed. The bullshit echo chamber is really pissing me off, because ... as always with the US Mass and Social Media ...

The truth is lost! The left has only lost credibility RE: January 6th. That's why the Republicans finally pulled out of the whole ****ing, alleed 'bi-partisan' thing. It was so partisan, and it's pretty bad.

No, it's not what the US Media and the left echo chamber says it is. The government is only prosecuting 1/3rd, and most of those are petty. It's nothing like what the US Media is saying.

The irony is the Biden family was the ones directly involved with shakedowns in Ukraine. Hunter and Joe should be in jail. That isn't including the tax invasion, underage prostitutes, etc.
You'd figure the left would 'bite their tongue' after the whole Cuomo thing ...

Let alone we're finding out more and more how President Biden himself has been directing the US Media to clamp down on anything Murdock owns, which includes the NY Post and Wall Street Journal ...

Especially anything on his son.

Oh sure, he says otherwise, but the new book that's now out confirms what he's been doing to Murdock. It's amazing how the left complained about Trump complaining about the US Media, but Biden -- just like Obama -- is still ****ing with Murdock.

Hypocrisy in full force.
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The irony is the Biden family was the ones directly involved with shakedowns in Ukraine. Hunter and Joe should be in jail. That isn't including the tax invasion, underage prostitutes, etc.

Trump was in office for 4 years, maybe he should have had a better justice department.
You'd figure the left would 'bite their tongue' after the whole Cuomo thing ...

Let alone we're finding out more and more how President Biden himself has been directing the US Media to clamp down on anything Murdock owns, which includes the NY Post and Wall Street Journal ...

Especially anything on his son.

Oh sure, he says otherwise, but the new book that's now out confirms what he's been doing to Murdock. It's amazing how the left complained about Trump complaining about the US Media, but Biden -- just like Obama -- is still ****ing with Murdock.

Hypocrisy in full force.

The left hasnt been making excuses for Cuomo, so not sure why they should bite their tongue. IF you are talking about praise from his covid press conferences, then you have to remember the harassment staff wasnt widely known at that point.
The left hasnt been making excuses for Cuomo
Bullshit. Even CNN was still making excuses for itself. They utterly undermined their whole credibility!

CNN-Cuomo is exactly like watching USF Athletics try to pin everything on The Jim, when they not only, fully let him operate with hardship waivers and a 8% graduation rate, but actively encouraged it ... all the way to the bank!

It's worse than Maddow on MSNBC or Hanity on Fox News, because it literally showed total loss of journalistic integrity due to blatant conflict of interest ... which only grew bigger when it also involved serious (8 figure) financial incentives that were not known until later.

It's just as bad as Stephanopoulos interviewing the author of a Clinton book, especially when he hid his 8 figure financial relationship too!

so not sure why they should bite their tongue.
And right on cue ...

IF you are talking about praise from his covid press conferences, then you have to remember the harassment staff wasnt widely known at that point.
The harrassment is nothing to the total loss of journalistic integrity when all the facts of the relationships came out, which was already bad because of the personal conflict-of-interest.

It's the absolute worst and most inappropriate journalism since Stephanopoulous-Clinton. Everyone at CNN should have been calling it out, and there's been only 2 CNN analysts who did, and only 1 before it all came out ... Trapper.

How people at CNN didn't even recognize this ... I have no idea. I honestly hope Cuomo wins his lawsuit against CNN. I honestly do. Yes, he was wrong. But CNN totally encouraged it!

I really don't understand why the left cannot realize how hypocritical they look. At least Trump was open about his bias. Biden, like Obama, just taps phones and tells the other US Media to target journalists ... even the NSA.
Bullshit. Even CNN was still making excuses for itself. They utterly undermined their whole credibility!

CNN-Cuomo is exactly like watching USF Athletics try to pin everything on The Jim, when they not only, fully let him operate with hardship waivers and a 8% graduation rate, but actively encouraged it ... all the way to the bank!

It's worse than Maddow on MSNBC or Hanity on Fox News, because it literally showed total loss of journalistic integrity due to blatant conflict of interest ... which only grew bigger when it also involved serious (8 figure) financial incentives that were not known until later.

It's just as bad as Stephanopoulos interviewing the author of a Clinton book, especially when he hid his 8 figure financial relationship too!

And right on cue ...

The harrassment is nothing to the total loss of journalistic integrity when all the facts of the relationships came out, which was already bad because of the personal conflict-of-interest.

It's the absolute worst and most inappropriate journalism since Stephanopoulous-Clinton. Everyone at CNN should have been calling it out, and there's been only 2 CNN analysts who did, and only 1 before it all came out ... Trapper.

How people at CNN didn't even recognize this ... I have no idea. I honestly hope Cuomo wins his lawsuit against CNN. I honestly do. Yes, he was wrong. But CNN totally encouraged it!

I really don't understand why the left cannot realize how hypocritical they look. At least Trump was open about his bias. Biden, like Obama, just taps phones and tells the other US Media to target journalists ... even the NSA.

You are going to have to provide sources or something. You are saying lots of things, but providing absolutely nothing to back it up. But this idea the left still supports Cuomo is flat out non sense.
You are going to have to provide sources or something. You are saying lots of things, but providing absolutely nothing to back it up. But this idea the left still supports Cuomo is flat out non sense.
Your own words are literally from their mouths! I rest my case.

This 'Stop Trump' will never happen as long as the same DNC-Media bullshit continues. More registered Democrats and minorities are alienated every election.
Your own words are literally from their mouths! I rest my case.

This 'Stop Trump' will never happen as long as the same DNC-Media bullshit continues. More registered Democrats and minorities are alienated every election.

My own words are from whose mouth? What are you talking about?
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Hey man, I'm all for both Hillary and Trump going to prison! Apply it equally! Anyone who has read the same SSBI agreements Hillary has knows she belongs there.

Oh wait, the US DoJ gave Hillary a 'get out of FBI spillage' free card. The FBI was told not to investigate. That's why they didn't find anything on Hillary.

But the InfoSec community did. And TrendMicro has the logs too ... at least until it was disabled. And it's that info the US gov't is now using to prosecute over 30 people.

Over 30 current and former State Department employees who stupidly stopped saying 'no' under threat of losing their job (and some lost it any way for saying 'no' a few too many times before 'yes'), so they didn't get fired by Hillary a result, are now being prosecuted.

I don't know what to say. That's the type of person Hillary is. It's all documented. It's all fact. No one cares though. The FBI 'cleared' Hillary. No, the DoJ just wouldn't let them investigate.
I have a lot of anxiety about this christmas. After 2 suicidal episodes this year I am really uncomfortable with the idea of being around the in-laws. This year has also brought about changes with my girls. I got divorced 8 years ago and had full custody of my kids until this year. They moved in with their mom in january and things have been pretty difficult between us since then. Nobody, including my wife, has been terribly supportive of what I've been dealing with this year and I've been putting on a happy face whenever I'm asked how things are going because when I'm honest it makes things worse. I'm just tired of it and now its going to be in my face for the next few days. Nobody understands but everybody has a solution.

Sorry to vent. Merry christmas to everyone"