Only in California....

We just need to nuke California and we’d never get another frivolous lawsuit again.
Russia is murdering kids on playgrounds with cruise missiles and half the GOP supports them but thanks nauti for focusing on what is truly important.
Russia is murdering kids on playgrounds with cruise missiles and half the GOP supports them but thanks nauti for focusing on what is truly important.
Straight up Ninja , the Russia Ukraine war is not important to me . You have two corrupt F-ed up countries fighting each other. Putin is evil . The other guy is corrupt . Russia needs to leave Ukraine alone. What more do I need to say or do? Do I need to paint my house like a giant Ukrainian flag? I need to know from you what the appropriate virtue signal here is? Clearly the only thing ,according to you, is to post stuff about Ukraine. Help a brother out here .

With that said , this story came across and I was like , really? It is stupid. I want you to put what is acceptable to discuss here in the WC because I don't want offend your sensibilities.

Not everything here has to be serious amigo . This place needs to lighten up in my opinion.

Viva la Ukraine!!!
Straight up Ninja , the Russia Ukraine war is not important to me . You have two corrupt F-ed up countries fighting each other. Putin is evil . The other guy is corrupt . Russia needs to leave Ukraine alone. What more do I need to say or do? Do I need to paint my house like a giant Ukrainian flag? I need to know from you what the appropriate virtue signal here is? Clearly the only thing ,according to you, is to post stuff about Ukraine. Help a brother out here .

With that said , this story came across and I was like , really? It is stupid. I want you to put what is acceptable to discuss here in the WC because I don't want offend your sensibilities.

Not everything here has to be serious amigo . This place needs to lighten up in my opinion.

Viva la Ukraine!!!
The ukraine conflict is nothing more than a money laundering operation for the biden crime family.
Straight up Ninja , the Russia Ukraine war is not important to me . You have two corrupt F-ed up countries fighting each other. Putin is evil . The other guy is corrupt . Russia needs to leave Ukraine alone. What more do I need to say or do? Do I need to paint my house like a giant Ukrainian flag? I need to know from you what the appropriate virtue signal here is? Clearly the only thing ,according to you, is to post stuff about Ukraine. Help a brother out here .

With that said , this story came across and I was like , really? It is stupid. I want you to put what is acceptable to discuss here in the WC because I don't want offend your sensibilities.

Not everything here has to be serious amigo . This place needs to lighten up in my opinion.

Viva la Ukraine!!!
bOtH siDeS aRe bAd lmao.

By all means, return to being a whiny little snowflake offended by everything,
Growing up, I could never have imagined a day when a Republican (albeit a MAGA one) would say a Russian invasion of Ukraine was "not important" to him, or call Ukraine's resistance efforts "a money laundering operation" for the Democrat President.

My God, Ronald Reagan has to be rolling over in his grave.
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Ukraine to Russia as the Rhineland was to Germany in my opinion. Putin is all butt hurt his Soviet glory was destroyed and bankrupted by Ronnie and Maggie back in the day. He is like emperor Palpatine crossed with a 10;year old. He is like the Kim Kardashian of authoritarian leaders with stunning good looks and narcissistic ego . He wants to rule over those dudes and bring back his Soviet glory days. He is a soulless turd and has no problem killing kids and moms. I hate the guy to be honest about it.

I also know the WC could have fun apolitical threads a out fun and stupid things . We can hate Russia and have fun otherwise. Based on some folks logic we should just not play college football games because innocent kids are dying.

I don't know about y'all,but when I worked in an office and had to wear a shirt and tie to work ,when we met the WC or at lunch , 99% of what we talked about was what we did on the weekends, what we plan to do the up coming weekend, what concerts or CDs we liked and what are we cooking on the BBQ. It wasn't constant politics .

I am a Genxer and some of y'all I feel for. Not everything is about politics or should be and those of you who weave it in , really, it must be exhausting trying to fight that fight on everything . I think it is funny and crazy how a guy in California is suing a North Carolina hot sauce company because their product has the word Texas in it. It's even crazier a judge allowed it . It's not left or right , it just is .
Growing up, I could never have imagined a day when a Republican (albeit a MAGA one) would say a Russian invasion of Ukraine was "not important" to him, or call Ukraine's resistance efforts "a money laundering operation" for the Democrat President.

My God, Ronald Reagan has to be rolling over in his grave.
Hey Shuck, what are you doing it about right now? Do you go about your daily life fretting over Ukraine? Do you say, hey I need to sign up and fight for them? Are you sending money to them? I am being honest , on a daily basis I don't think much about it. I think about my family, my employees and .y community . I can do nothing to stop Putin. I am powerless and virtue signaling isn't going to stop it.

Hey Vlad did you see all the angry tweets and virtue signaling on Facebook and Twitter about how angry people are over your invasion?

Vlad answers back. Well , are they really mean and angry tweets? Did they change their Facebook profile to the Ukrainian flag? Oh, they did! Ok, I will give Ukraine their land back and go home to Russia.

I don't particularly want to go war over it . With that said if Obama had sent weapons instead of blankets back when Putin did this last time maybe the outcome would be different.

So, tell me how you're directly fighting Putin and making this injustice right? I am all ears.
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I am a Genxer and some of y'all I feel for. Not everything is about politics or should be
You're right. Politics isn't all that important -- until it directly impacts you.
Hey Shuck, what are you doing it about right now? Do you go about your daily life fretting over Ukraine? Do you say, hey I need to sign up and fight for them? Are you sending money to them? I am being honest, on a daily basis I don't think much about it. I think about my family, my employees and .y community . I can do nothing to stop Putin. I am powerless and virtue signaling isn't going to stop it.
Virtue Signalling??!? SMH.
I don't particularly want to go war over it . With that said if Obama had sent weapons instead of blankets back when Putin did this last time maybe the outcome would be different.
Trump tried to hold up the support Congress had already approved for Ukraine in order to BLACKMAIL President Zalenskyy for help against a political opponent --- and YOU want to talk about Obama did or didn't do???!? Wow.
The ukraine conflict is nothing more than a money laundering operation for the biden crime family.
And.....Ukraine has a nasty totalitarian streak themselves. Oh, and they harbor Nazis. As in real National Socialists. Complete with the Swastika and everything.
The Ukraine War is a perfect example of what happens when you have energy dependence on a potential belligerent that is working entirely against the west. The American Media, Left and Big Tech are either still in utter denial over this, or just blatantly covering it up, but ... Europe is no longer.

It's just comical how Trump was an alleged Putin Puppet, when Trump was repeatedly stating, and repeatedly chastizing some leaders in Europe, exactly what his advisors told him to do ... to challenge Russia, and become independent ...

And they were 100% correct, and the American left and those leaders in Europe, utterly wrong ... deadly wrong.

In 2022, Vladimir Putin made the exact same mistake as Sadam Hussein did in 1990. He thought he wouldn't be challenged because of the inter-dependencies. It was the same mistake made at the start of what would eventually become WWI. It's like we've never learned from history.
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... It's not left or right , it just is .
It's sad we live in a time when ... if you're not someone who will blindly defend stupidity because of your party ... you're considered 'sitting the fence.'

No ... it's called 'thinking for yourself.'

I call out the GOP and Fox News regularly. The bigger problem? The GOP and Fox News aren't the ones trying to censor and silence people they disagree with.

We just spent 2 years living under 'misinformation' ... our government without expert review or, when our experts actually spoke out, they were silenced under threat.
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