Operation Overlord at 80


Todd's Tiki Bar
Feb 18, 2007
I had the honor of participating in ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day, what these men and women did 80 years is still astounding. The fact that some of these veterans made the trip over here, most approaching or surpassing the century mark, is just further testament to their badassery.

Still the largest amphibious operation in history, and a lynchpin study in how coalition alliances can and must work together to defeat evil.

Also go watch Masters of the Air. Now.

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I had the honor of participating in ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day, what these men and women did 80 years is still astounding.
What struck me is that most Americans today have no sense of the sacrifice those soldiers made in the name of freedom. To way too many people, 'democracy' is just meaningless political-speak.
There won’t be anymore D-day type of invasions because today’s society is full of cowards and people who don’t love America. People aren’t ready to risk their lives.

The present enlisted military will fight and the rest of us will depend on air power and those enlisted.

Unless we are being invaded, but we would resort to Nukes WAY BEFORE it came to that.

Could you really imagine someone like UCFBS fighting a battle to save the world?
There won’t be anymore D-day type of invasions because today’s society is full of cowards and people who don’t love America.
America's leaders don't love America so why should any of us Average Joes?

If we can learn anything from what we're seeing today, it's that our archaic, corrupt political parties are all that matters "'cause America's going to Hell" if their party's choices are not in charge.
People aren’t ready to risk their lives.
Duh. If our elected representative aren't willing to risk their fcuking jobs to better our country, why should the masses risk their lives for crying out loud?
There won’t be anymore D-day type of invasions because today’s society is full of cowards and people who don’t love America. People aren’t ready to risk their lives.
Nah, I have the honor of working with some absolutely incredible people who would absolutely lay it all on the like for this country. True professionals who are the best in the world at their profession.

Sure there are fat fùcks like BS and open nazis like glaciers and his million accounts on here, but there are enough true Americans who are willing to stand up for freedom for all (not just freedom for those who look like them) that we will be fine.
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Nah, I have the honor of working with some absolutely incredible people who would absolutely lay it all on the like for this country. True professionals who are the best in the world at their profession.

Sure there are fat fùcks like BS and open nazis like glaciers and his million accounts on here, but there are enough true Americans who are willing to stand up for freedom for all (not just freedom for those who look like them) that we will be fine.
There are (mostly already enlisted), but there is a MUCH lower percentage of men 18-21 that would fight for their country

We could not even get people to get vaccinated. Imagine what would happen if there was a draft

They would literally have to drag these people away from their I-Phones in their homes at gunpoint

The jails would literally be packed with draft dodgers. Society is not the same as it was in the 1940’s.