OT: ECU Announces Home-Home Series w/ Sunbelt & CUSA Teams

UCF's rise to prominence put a huge boot to the throat of ECU's expectations of doing the same. They are on the same level as Marshall and GSU now. Welcome the AAC's newest bottom feeder.
If they really did announce their intention of scheduling lighter match ups thats a shame. Short of them beating us, always rooted for them to do well considering theyre the last of the independents from the 70s and early 80s that didnt move to the P5. Always enjoyed it when they beat the P5 opponents in their area.
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If they think they've just scheduled a lighter match up, they screwed up. Both Marshall and Ga. St have had far better seasons than the ButtPirates. There's no easy game for them.
If they think they've just scheduled a lighter match up, they screwed up. Both Marshall and Ga. St have had far better seasons than the ButtPirates. There's no easy game for them.

Those new Marshall games will be in 2023 and 2025.

Georgia State series will be in 2023 and 2028.

No one knows what any program will be like in 2023, let alone 2028.
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If they think they've just scheduled a lighter match up, they screwed up. Both Marshall and Ga. St have had far better seasons than the ButtPirates. There's no easy game for them.
Lol they won what 2 or 3 games? Yeah playing James Madison these days might as well go down as a loss too.
I think K_L was talking from a recruiting and perception stand point.
Thanks new Marshall games will be in 2023 and 2025.

Georgia State series will be in 2023 and 2028.

No one knows what any program will be like in 2023, let alone 2028.

Touchy Thin_Skinned is more like it. I was just commenting on the trajectory of the 3 programs, not really a comment on you, I really couldn't care less about you or your opinions. Just thought it was funny that Marshall and Ga St. seem to be improving, and ecu is crapping after making the bad decision of canning their long term coach a while ago. But let's make it all about you.
It’s been sad to watch, but ECU as a program disintegrated fast. Montgomery wasn’t the best hire, but what was worse was their decision to fire McNeil way too late into the off season. Their athletic director destroyed their program.
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It’s been sad to watch, but ECU as a program disintegrated fast. Montgomery wasn’t the best hire, but what was worse was their decision to fire McNeil way too late into the off season. Their athletic director destroyed their program.
both ECU and Southern Miss paid for ADs to destroy their program it seems.
Looks like for most years they've opted to play 6 home games, two P5 and two G5, as opposed to 7 home games with an FCS on the schedule just about every year. Which would you rather have?
I don't see how this is different from us scheduling H&H games with FAU/FIU. We're not P5, we don't have the cash to buy 1&dones with sunbelt/c-usa programs and don't have the clout to demand 2 for 1s. This is where we are. We get H&Hs with P5s and H&Hs with G4s so that we have 6 home games. This is where the AAC is at the moment.
I don't see how this is different from us scheduling H&H games with FAU/FIU. We're not P5, we don't have the cash to buy 1&dones with sunbelt/c-usa programs and don't have the clout to demand 2 for 1s. This is where we are. We get H&Hs with P5s and H&Hs with G4s so that we have 6 home games. This is where the AAC is at the moment.
We complain about the FCS. I don’t mind playing FAU if they are the worst on schedule.
We complain about the FCS. I don’t mind playing FAU if they are the worst on schedule.

The FCS game gives us an extra home game. Really nothing wrong with our current setup. Play a FCS, G4 team, and hopefully 2 Power teams. Then if our league schedule isn't garbage it is fine.

The way that ECU scheduled in the past made it near impossible to escape the OOC undefeated.