My son lives out of the country. He has all the requirements to get an FL teaching certification and the application has been completed. Instead of sending him the teaching certification, they sent him a letter saying he is elligible for the teaching certification if somebody in FL offers him a job and he accepts the job and they submit his paperwork in along with his background check. Then they will send him the certification. He is not ready to teach in FL at this time, but he needs the credential to teach somewhere else. Anybody here work at a school (maybe private school) that would be willing to help a UCF alumni out by submitting his paperwork into the FLDOE. Or does anybody know of any other way he can actually get the certification without actually accepting a job. It is either that or he will have to accept a job, wait until they submit the paper work, he gets the certification and then tells them he is not going to teach there. I do not understand why the certification is based off him having a job in FL it seems like it should be the opposite, you should need the certification before you can get the job.