The procedural move also included some harsh words by Conway about a 17-page opening statement in the countersuit Winston filed in May. Winston's statement restated his arguments and accused Kinsman of a "vile scheme."
"Frankly, it reads like a closing argument," Conway wrote. "It was obviously penned more for the consumption of the court of public opinion than for this Court and the other participants in this case. The Court cannot recall ever seeing such a remarkable and improper introduction to an answer. Structurally and legally, it is not a part of Mr. Winston's answer and it has no place in his pleading."
The procedural move also included some harsh words by Conway about a 17-page opening statement in the countersuit Winston filed in May. Winston's statement restated his arguments and accused Kinsman of a "vile scheme."
"Frankly, it reads like a closing argument," Conway wrote. "It was obviously penned more for the consumption of the court of public opinion than for this Court and the other participants in this case. The Court cannot recall ever seeing such a remarkable and improper introduction to an answer. Structurally and legally, it is not a part of Mr. Winston's answer and it has no place in his pleading."