Yes, it is very nice but that should be expected with the money they pull in. I'm not trying to berate them. I don't know the history of their current facilities, and perhaps what they had was old and out-of-date anyways. In the end, though, the only thing that matters is wins and losses, with the priority being conference titles (then anything after that is gravy).
I guess in the bigger picture every school has to ask themselves this serious question, "Is this money well spent?" Their is massive pressure "to keep up with the Jones's". The #1 priority for these kids (according to the University) should be getting a degree. Sure, the players can have other motives but the school is the one who essentially "hired" them to come in and play. The school/athletic program makes money off the football program and the players get a degree in return. If you spend 20, 40, 60 million or more on these monstrous buildings and don't win squat then that money could have been better applied to other things. I mean, K-State won a Big 12 title in 2003 without this new facility so how does this facility help them now? Sure, it's new and has all kinds of bells and whistles but I think everything really comes down more to the coaching staff getting the kids to play and execute their plans, more than any building or stadium can provide.