For anyone in the Orlando area, Edgewater Masters Crew is hosting a learn to row from 6:15pm-8:15pm on Tuesday 8/29 and Thursday 8/31. Consider coming out to give rowing a try. It's a great sport and activity with a great group of people. We also practice on the same days/times for any rowers in here that are interested in getting back into it. Fill out the form at the link below if you're interested. Cost for the learn to row program is $50 and boathouse is located on Lake Fairview at:
New item by Ryan Fahey
Edgewater Crew Masters Learn-to-Row
The Edgewater Masters Learn-to-Row is a two-day introductory program will teach you the basics of rowing and introduce you to our Edgewater Masters program. Edgewater Masters is designed for adults to enjoy the physical, recreational and social benefits of rowing while staying connected to and...