OT: Now college coaches upset at players who DO get an education!


Golden Knight
Nov 13, 2011
After Oklahoma State had ZERO basketball players graduate in six years, the term "student athlete" was crucified as a sham and oxymoron. However, coaches are screaming bloody murder about how the graduate student transfer exemption is being used to poach top seniors. UCF has enjoyed success in both football and basketball with such star transfers in recent years. Now coaches are plotting to slow student progress toward graduation! Today, a firing offense like Kruczek suffered (poor enforcement against faked class attendance sheets) might today be worth a bonus. "That'll keep him from graduating in only 4 years." The NCAA is so messed up.
Considering how these coaches will jump to a higher tier school in a second its gross how these coaches talk like they are owed these players staying at their school. You already got them for at least several years and they did what the did to graduate. Undergraduates going to a different school for grad school wouldn't even be a blinked at if these guys weren't athletes.