OT: So who's ready to have beef for Thanksgiving?

This is all us(i)f's fault. Their program ain't worth a shit and ESPN knows we're going to ass rape them by 40 points so why put that on Rivalry Friday when there's more interesting games out there?
Considering we couldnt even get much TV time during Daunte's last year - (remember the game against Auburn? yeah i heard it on the radio) - it amuses me that we are talking about this like it will be the downfall of the program. I wonder how many of you would respond if it was UCFs first appearance on TV or much a less rare appearance and of course it happened to be on Thanksgiving? I can imagine there would be more excitement. Yeah yeah i know weve advanced from that and we deserve UCF football games at a time that in your opinion would benefit the program. No one will be at the game and no one will watch it except me and maybe some casual fans who dont like the NFL. Oh yeah i guess ill be the only one watching.
If you change your mind...pssst...UCF will be on TV Thanksgiving night. If you have time check it out. ..or DVR it lol.
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People were sure that no one would show for the Black Friday game in 2013 as well.

End result: 46,000 UCF fans (no help from USF).

Last year we brought at least 25K to USF's stadium for a noon Black Frirday kickoff.

Unless we've completely pissed away the season by that point, there will be at least 40K UCF fans there. It'd be nice if USF actually contributed some fans to this series at some point.
Don't get me wrong, I'll most likely be there but don't go all KL and act like this is the best thing to happen to us.

This will be a max crowd of 25-30K (including the 92 USF fans) and unless the nation is pissed at the NFL because the Cowboys won by 30 earlier, most eyes will be on Packers/Bears game.

But I guess the whiny "no noon kickoffs because I need to thoroughly sh!tfaced before the game" crowd should be there in force.
Don't get me wrong, I'll most likely be there but don't go all KL and act like this is the best thing to happen to us.

This will be a max crowd of 25-30K (including the 92 USF fans) and unless the nation is pissed at the NFL because the Cowboys won by 30 earlier, most eyes will be on Packers/Bears game.

But I guess the whiny "no noon kickoffs because I need to thoroughly sh!tfaced before the game" crowd should be there in force.

We had 25K in the stands in RJS last year, for a road game.

Do you really think we'll have the same amount show up to a home game simply because it's Thanksgiving night? I can't remember the last game we had with 30K or less in the actual stands, aside from the SMU monsoon noon game last year.

There will be at least 35K there and if the season is still a success then, I'd estimate 40K and above.
Other than a baby due a week following this game, this being on during the packers bears game, while stuffed full of turkey, I don't expect to be attending.
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I hereby put out that I will bring at least 4 (wife and kids) in UCF gear for anybody that doesn't want their tickets. If you have more to give away, I will grab some neighbors and drag their happy butts out of their turkey coma and use your seats and parking passes (of course) and cheer for UCF. We never go anywhere for Thanksgiving because our closest family is having dinner at Whata's house so we will be at the game since by Thanksgiving the Dolphins have already folded so NFL will have absolutely no relevance to me at that point in time.
Other than a baby due a week following this game, this being on during the packers bears game, while stuffed full of turkey, I don't expect to be attending.

I am officially abandoning KPT. They've all turned into bitches. My services are now available to the highest bidder.
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The way things are looking right now baby will probably be 2 wks old by the time the game is
Eat by 2 pm with family, depart for Orlando by 4:30, arrive by 6:30. It's all planned out.

Honestly I really prefer this since typically I'm forced to pull double duty with going to my sister in law's place in Spring Hill for the evening meal. Now I have an out.
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I mean, c'mon people, this schedule change sucks. I mean, there's heartless bastards like USFSucks that don't care about Thanksgiving, but the majority of people do. I'm out of town so I feel horrible about coming over for Thanksgiving and then skipping out on Thanksgiving.

I'm on the fence because the in-laws said they don't have a problem with moving Thanksgiving a day before or after, but I feel awful having to subject them to making that decision.
What 'cha know 'bout The Hill, 'cuz???????

I know it's a pain in the ass drive and there's too much white trash in the area.

They live up there yet work in Tampa. They're throwing money away into the Veteran's toll every day.
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I know it's a pain in the ass drive and there's too much white trash in the area.

They live up there yet work in Tampa. They're throwing money away into the Veteran's toll every day.
Say, none of them happened to be driving a Bud Light truck on 75 earlier this week, did they?