P5 vs G6 Media Coverage case in point:

When UCF football is a hundred years old and stuff then the local press will swoon over the coach and his attire plus check out how the house is decorated for Festivus. Its a perk of the P7 .we will get there. Besides, in TN they ain't got much so there is that too.
The current landscape of the Big12 with the new additions is awesome actually. This whole P4 talk is ludicrous, especially since that includes the Pac12 and ACC. . If Alabama loses, the Big12 could have 2 reps from current and new addition teams with several ranked. And that’s with us on the down trend, which I doubt lasts.
Oh yes 130 teams but since ESPN says so only SEC and B10 matter, what a crock. Heres to the underdogs. Keep fighting.