

Silver Knight
Gold Member
Jul 27, 2006
Who do we think we are? I'm not a GOL basher; and I don't blame him for this. But we expect to be a P5 team?

Even when UF, UM, etc have bad seasons they don't look like this (well maybe UF with the GSouthern loss)..

If we win next week it still won't get this stink off. This is an awful loss.
You're right. This is a step back for the program. Drop a home opener to FIU that you decided to move to a Thursday night instead of a Saturday to get a CBSSN 6 PM slot (which did hurt attendance and the home field advantage - clearly would've had more people and more people stay the whole game on a Saturday) so that potential recruits could watch THAT??? [poop]
We would be leaps and bounds ahead of where we are is we would never have embarked in the gol experiment. I wish he would go away forever.
I can't go that route. A BCS win, an OCS, and some hella good seasons.

The loss is terrible but the program (albeit this step back) was nowhere near this under K. And was never going to get there.