PAC12 Adds 4 MWC teams

From a money/branding standpoint it makes sense to keep Pac-12 name alive, also they can see how they can incentivize departed west coast teams to join which I am sure some are not excited with travelling to the east coast frequently.
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Whoopdie doo. The Conference lost every bit of its Power status with its mass exodus. This announcement means diddily-squat.
Agreed. But from the new members mentioned, it is probably pretty huge for them. Those teams are clearly the best of the MW, getting grouped into the Pac brand and aligned with WSU and OSU. Most assuredly will come with a TV media payout increase, MW makes pretty much nothing (like $4mil?). Pretty cool for them.
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So funny, usf has got to be the most entitled and delusional fan base of the G5. I keep seeing them say they should not join this new Pac, like in what world would that not be a step up? You make the move and continue to position yourself…they so dumb
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So funny, usf has got to be the most entitled and delusional fan base of the G5. I keep seeing them say they should not join this new Pac, like in what world would that not be a step up? You make the move and continue to position yourself…they so dumb
they think their stock is up bc they were competitive for 3.5 quarters last week. just gaslighting themselves
they think their stock is up bc they were competitive for 3.5 quarters last week. just gaslighting themselves
The bigger head scratcher is all their high expectations after barely becoming bowl eligible out of the terrible AAC while not beating a single winning team. And then the pumping of beating Syracuse in the bowl, where they had a TE playing QB lol
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I think the new PAC would be a lateral move for USF. Then would increase travel. They won’t be P5 with those additions. Only question would be which conference could they win easier.
Inevitably there's a point where everyone keeps moving up a conference so it doesn't make a difference across the board, its still the same status quo. Wouldn't be surprised see one of the lower G5 conferences get the shaft at some point and get poached to an unrecoverable point.
I think the new PAC would be a lateral move for USF. Then would increase travel. They won’t be P5 with those additions. Only question would be which conference could they win easier.
That’s thinking too small. They will make more that would cover travel, somewhere in the $9-10 mil by all reports. That should wash the travel costs. Then you get in the clearly best G5 conference and it wouldn’t even be close. Or you stay in an even worse AAC (assuming Memphis and Tulane, possibly UTSA leave), essentially making it Conference USA or that same type low level. Where do you think the next call up, assuming there is one, would come from then? Probably the best G5 conference as has been the case every time. This is all about positioning and not being left even further behind. Even if travel cost is a wash with the small increase in revenue, the leagues with the most revenue are perceived to be the strongest leagues. National perception is also key.
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That’s thinking too small. They will make more that would cover travel, somewhere in the $9-10 mil by all reports. That should wash the travel costs. Then you get in the clearly best G5 conference and it wouldn’t even be close. Or you stay in an even worse AAC (assuming Memphis and Tulane, possibly UTSA leave), essentially making it Conference USA or that same type low level. Where do you think the next call up, assuming there is one, would come from then? Probably the best G5 conference as has been the case every time. This is all about positioning and not being left even further behind. Even if travel cost is a wash with the small increase in revenue, the leagues with the most revenue are perceived to be the strongest leagues. National perception is also key.
One more caveat to the perception piece…it’s not just national media/fan perception I was referring to but also from a recruiting standpoint. You want any shot at top tier recruits or best G5 classes you can’t be in a lower end G5 league.

If I’m usf, you HAVE to make the move, shouldn’t even be a thought. Their AD should be on the phone with the ACC and make sure that isn’t in the cards, then with Memphis/Tulane and they should conference in the PAC commissioner together and make it happen.
They should add my two favorite teams USF and Colorado. After Deons kids graduate this year Colorado is going to be perennial last place.
That’s thinking too small. They will make more that would cover travel, somewhere in the $9-10 mil by all reports. That should wash the travel costs. Then you get in the clearly best G5 conference and it wouldn’t even be close. Or you stay in an even worse AAC (assuming Memphis and Tulane, possibly UTSA leave), essentially making it Conference USA or that same type low level. Where do you think the next call up, assuming there is one, would come from then? Probably the best G5 conference as has been the case every time. This is all about positioning and not being left even further behind. Even if travel cost is a wash with the small increase in revenue, the leagues with the most revenue are perceived to be the strongest leagues. National perception is also key.
USF may be a victim of terrible timing. UCF’s stretch of consistency and then peak years w Milton got us the ticket out.

The problem for USF now is that conferences will look at the State of Florida and say ‘4 Power Conference Programs is enough for that State’. Sort of the same issue ECU and Charlotte will have even w success in North Carolina.
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Bad timing for sure. They also seem to have a lack of fan and student engagement. They have zero culture on or off campus. No one goes to the games and their TV viewership is always so bad if not playing Alabama. That stuff matters, no matter your “market size” lol. A market of other teams fans…
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Same, weird feeling sorry for them. I guess that’s when you know you’ve truly beaten them. Now I kind of hope they go with Memphis and Tulane and whoever else to this new PAC12. At least it would keep them in the G6 but solidify it being the best G6 conference by a wide margin. I mean, getting left behind again in the AAC would be too brutal, even for them.
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I'm not sure I see any advantages for the conference to bring in USF or FAU into the new Pac12. Nor do I see any advantages for them leaving the AAC tbh. Oregon State and Washington State will bring in a bit more money potentially, but I bet they'll want a bigger piece of the pie when it comes to the negotiations as well. The AAC should poach Air Force from the crippled MW though.

Also, I keep hearing that USF is building this 35k on compass stadium starting in October, but I can't believe that date is going to land since there's been no new news on it. Is it for real going to happen in 2026? Or, is that just empty promises in order to try to garner interest from better conferences?
I'm not sure I see any advantages for the conference to bring in USF or FAU into the new Pac12. Nor do I see any advantages for them leaving the AAC tbh. Oregon State and Washington State will bring in a bit more money potentially, but I bet they'll want a bigger piece of the pie when it comes to the negotiations as well. The AAC should poach Air Force from the crippled MW though.

Also, I keep hearing that USF is building this 35k on compass stadium starting in October, but I can't believe that date is going to land since there's been no new news on it. Is it for real going to happen in 2026? Or, is that just empty promises in order to try to garner interest from better conferences?
I think it is happening but the finish date got pushed a year to 2027
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I'm not sure I see any advantages for the conference to bring in USF or FAU into the new Pac12. Nor do I see any advantages for them leaving the AAC tbh. Oregon State and Washington State will bring in a bit more money potentially, but I bet they'll want a bigger piece of the pie when it comes to the negotiations as well. The AAC should poach Air Force from the crippled MW though.

Also, I keep hearing that USF is building this 35k on compass stadium starting in October, but I can't believe that date is going to land since there's been no new news on it. Is it for real going to happen in 2026? Or, is that just empty promises in order to try to garner interest from better conferences?
I haven’t heard anybody talk about FAU to the Pac12, but that would be awesome for them to go Pac12 leaving usf in the AAC 🤣
I'm not sure I see any advantages for the conference to bring in USF or FAU into the new Pac12. Nor do I see any advantages for them leaving the AAC tbh. Oregon State and Washington State will bring in a bit more money potentially, but I bet they'll want a bigger piece of the pie when it comes to the negotiations as well. The AAC should poach Air Force from the crippled MW though.

Also, I keep hearing that USF is building this 35k on compass stadium starting in October, but I can't believe that date is going to land since there's been no new news on it. Is it for real going to happen in 2026? Or, is that just empty promises in order to try to garner interest from better conferences?
OSU and WSU isn’t going to ask for more of the pie, they aren’t in a strategic position to do that in the survival mode that they are in.

On a side note, if I’m an AAC member (hahahaha so lucky I’m not) I’m NOT EVER endorsing playing 3 academy members per year. Maybe I’m jaded with Navy, but playing Army, Navy and Air Force each year, option football! No thank you, that’s terrible for any potential team injuries (OL/DL) and/or potential trap games as we well know.
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Fresno, Boise, San Diego State and Colorado State join July 2026. They'll need to add 2 more by then to remain intact as a conference. N. Texas, Ruce, UTSA, and even Cal and Stanford are being mentioned.

They would have been better off not announcing that. LOL
So funny, usf has got to be the most entitled and delusional fan base of the G5. I keep seeing them say they should not join this new Pac, like in what world would that not be a step up? You make the move and continue to position yourself…they so dumb
Memphis and tulane are being considered. How much more can they water down the AAC without USF winning the conference title?
Would this PAC-12 retain the original conference’s P5 status?
If so, they should be get CFP invite as a "first alternate" in the event another program cannot compete in playoffs for whatever reason (i.e., COVID, etc.)

(This is a joke for anyone who doesn't realize it.)
Standford and Cal are not going back.

They want their schools to be associated with other great academic schools including 10 AAU Research Member Universities.

Standford has a $36 Billion Endowment, so money is hardly an issue.

Ironic if in the future, WSU and OSU would get an invite to the ACC to form a western pod with Stanford, Cal and SMU.

Not that it would happen.