My #1 option would be if Utah and Memphis could get poached to the Big 12. Don't think that is likely for Utah, though, as they have no history with the Big 12 and are competitive in the Pac-12.
If that can't happen I'd like to see the Big 12 pull in Colorado and Memphis. This is more plausible. Geographically makes a lot of sense. Built-in rivalries and history with teams already in that conference. Two decent TV markets (#16 and #51), respectively. Solid road game destinations. Colorado has history with the Big 12 (member from like 1948 to 2010), although they've essentially been pretty futile with only 7 years with 10 wins in like 120 years of playing football. In conference play, they are averaging about one title/co-title per decade. It was a big mistake for them to leave (like Nebraska) and they have been nothing but an even bigger doormat since. All they do is basically collect Ls and paychecks. The sticking point would be getting Colorado out of the Pac-12. That said, the PAC-12 could replace them with SDSU and I think they might like that as a better long-term option. Memphis is easy. Nothing much is going to hold them in place.
The other option would be Az/Az State but I just can't see them bailing on the PAC-12, although now that UCLA/USC did, they are a bit more "on there own" geographically. They both have a history of not doing much on the football field, although I can't speak for their other sports. Obviously, Arizona has a very solid bball program.