Parkland Security Monitor Failed to Act, barred from School


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Security Monitor, who knew who Cruz was and how they knew he was crazy enough to shoot up the school, saw Cruz arrive on campus and walk into the building holding his duffle bag and backpack, loaded with ammunition and his weapon.

The unarmed monitor, who also was the baseball coach, failed to hit any of the alarms which might have saved some lives because he did not specifically see a weapon on Cruz, who was not allowed to be at that school.

Another security monitor hid in a closet during the encounter after being warned Cruz was on campus.
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Nothing fishy at all about Parkland. Nor was there anything fishy about boomer gone wild killing 58 people w >1,000 rounds in 10 minutes. Ban guns. Move along.
So ... the FBI had 2 tips that this kid was going to shoot up a school and did nothing .... the armed police officer "hunkered down" and did nothing ...The cops wouldn't let first responders take care of the wounded because they had no idea where the kid was (he had already left).... the unarmed monitors actually saw the kid and did nothing (well ... they hid in a closet) ... the school ACTUALLY had a meeting saying this kid was the prime suspect to shoot up a school and they did nothing ....

but this is all the NRA's fault. Cool story.
So ... the FBI had 2 tips that this kid was going to shoot up a school and did nothing .... the armed police officer "hunkered down" and did nothing ...The cops wouldn't let first responders take care of the wounded because they had no idea where the kid was (he had already left).... the unarmed monitors actually saw the kid and did nothing (well ... they hid in a closet) ... the school ACTUALLY had a meeting saying this kid was the prime suspect to shoot up a school and they did nothing ....

but this is all the NRA's fault. Cool story.

Well...that's not exactly what CNN told the world at their Town Hall with that now disgraces Democratic Sheriff who did everything to blame the NRA instead of discussing known facts straight the time.
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Hits keep coming...

Now this same Security Official sexually harassed 2 HS girls last year, including one of the girls who was killed and should have been fired.

However, because this is the most screwed up school district in the land...they decided in the end to just suspend him for 3 days instead.

Great ... now the NRA is sexually harassing students. This has gone too far.