Peeking and Peaking


Diamond Knight
Jan 26, 2004
Peeking ahead I can definitely see improvements in three major areas of our team: OL; DL and RB. The competition continues to increase in these three group areas of the team and expect the 2-deep chart to be even better this season.

For example: I expect 10 starters to get significant playing time on our DL especially if we go back to a 4 set DL. We have some red-shirts that we haven't seen much of playing this season on the DL and possibly one or two freshmen in this mix of 10 DL players.

You might expect the OL to stay the same but once again an increase in competition will give us 2 or 3 new starters. Definitely expect 5 new players in OL 2-deep.

RBs Hamilton and Thompson should see more carries this year. How to juggle these two with Taj, Killins and Anderson should be a good problem.

3-4 Transfer players and CC players should make 2-deep in areas of (OL, DL and TE).
Shawn Burgess-Becker could be biggest impact transfer player at LB/DB Griffiin replacement. If NOT I expect N.D. OL transfer to crack the starting lineup on OL and help our running game.

As far as peaking is concerned, this is the year our team was suppose to peak. Athletically, I believe the team will be better than last season. How they jell and stick together when games are tight is a big unknown?

My last two cents in this whole thing is you can throw away our chances of having an 11 or 12 game winning season if the coaches turn out to be real jerks. There are ways to push players hard without disrespecting them as people. This is what the last group of coaches showed and why the players were able to stick together in close games. The coaches showed the players some respect as people. Disciplining should be handled privately and not in a public / embarrassing fashion. This takes the ability to control ones emotions on the sidelines during games no matter the bonehead move by the player. Just take them out of game if necessary and handle discipline privately during the week. I'm concerned about this area most to be honest with you along with coaches being able to do lots of substitution to use all our talent on this team.
I think you’re right that we are gonna be even deeper in certain position groups...but don’t agree about the respect concern. If anything, that’s what heupel appears to have as his priority (family atmosphere, etc.).

I’m more worried about actual coaching (game planning, scouting, etc.) than him disrupting the team. That being said, I think anything above a 9-win season is a success.
Being a QB creates leaders because that's what good quarterbacks have to be. It's no coincidence on why Frost was successful here and probably why Heupel will most likely be as well, it's just a different way in which he goes about it.
I think this staff will be more stringent than the past but hope they wont cross the line of acting responsibly. Seems like there's a lot of two-facing that goes on with coaching in general. I'm looking for consistency here :) Also, Heupel will have to instill consistency throughout his staff. Remember, we are only two years away from a total meltdown.
Almost all of our DL haven’t played in a 4-3 while at UCF.

DL lost 2 major layers from last year and now a switch to 4-3, this might be the one unit that takes 4-6 games to start performing well.
Almost all of our DL haven’t played in a 4-3 while at UCF.

DL lost 2 major layers from last year and now a switch to 4-3, this might be the one unit that takes 4-6 games to start performing well.
If we can get some good edge rushers I think this unit will do fine. I'm hoping the kid from Hawaii whose like 6'7" and 5-star recruit surprises us. Also, there's some youngsters
who look like they have some height and speed. We've had success in the past getting
good athletes to succeed in DE position. As far as middle of D line we've still got some beef that can step up. :) With 4 DLs a good coach will have them running stunts and curls and this is where time to adjust is required.
Almost all of our DL haven’t played in a 4-3 while at UCF.

DL lost 2 major layers from last year and now a switch to 4-3, this might be the one unit that takes 4-6 games to start performing well.

It won't take long. Going to a 4-3 from a 5-2 or 3-4 is a much easier transition than the opposite, particularly with as aggressive as chinander had them playing the last 2 years.
RBs Hamilton and Thompson should see more carries this year. How to juggle these two with Taj, Killins and Anderson should be a good problem.

Throw in another twist at RB. Speculation is that Richardson might flip on his transfer to TA&M. Still enrolled at UCF and working out with the team. Maybe better fit in CJH offense, perhaps gets in better shape and drops the Prima Donald attitude. We certainly need to improve on 3rd and short and he could be the answer.
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Throw in another twist at RB. Speculation is that Richardson might flip on his transfer to TA&M. Still enrolled at UCF and working out with the team. Maybe better fit in CJH offense, perhaps gets in better shape and drops the Prima Donald attitude. We certainly need to improve on 3rd and short and he could be the answer.
I think Poolside or Jeremy mentioned this a couple weeks back.
I think Poolside or Jeremy mentioned this a couple weeks back.
If it happens, that should semi-count towards Heupel’s recruiting tallies this year.

I wonder if he’s actually reconsidering and if it has more to do with liking it more here or A&M getting someone else he would be stuck behind.
Throw in another twist at RB. Speculation is that Richardson might flip on his transfer to TA&M. Still enrolled at UCF and working out with the team. Maybe better fit in CJH offense, perhaps gets in better shape and drops the Prima Donald attitude. We certainly need to improve on 3rd and short and he could be the answer.
Huge news. I don’t think anyone is going to or should backtrack on their assessment of him just because he may change his mind and stay. However, we will take him back!
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If it happens, that should semi-count towards Heupel’s recruiting tallies this year.

I wonder if he’s actually reconsidering and if it has more to do with liking it more here or A&M getting someone else he would be stuck behind.
What’s not to like at UCF??? UCF is an amazing place to go to school and play football at! Additionally, he wants to help defend our NC. It has to be that!
Huge news. I don’t think anyone is going to or should backtrack on their assessment of him just because he may change his mind and stay. However, we will take him back!

Bingo. I still think it was a trash move for wanting to leave, and I don't think he will amount to much here.
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