Per Brett McMurphy, O'Leary has Resigned.

Now lets hope we are not in for a long down time. Need to get AD hired ASAP, but need the right man.
Why the hate for Oleary? He did a great job for UCF. Y'all had a very nice ride on his watch. UCF will bounce back quickly, lots of talent in Florida. Really enjoyed going games on your campus, very underrated program and atmosphere on game day.
At what point do we break out into "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead" Song?
wipes sweat from face.*
It is now time for our fans to Unite and sell out the stadium to close out the season. This will show the players, administration, future recruits that we completely support the program and Expect to be a P5 team in the near future! Thank you OLeary...lets get energized and show the nation UCF is on its way back....