Planned-opolis. The Eco-city of the future...


Diamond Knight
Sep 1, 2006
7th level of Dante's Inferno.

Who would live in the Ghettos I wonder?

Hmmm...I wonder where the 3 seashells will be?


This post was edited on 3/18 10:14 AM by Malthus Doctrine
It was like a bad episode of Black Mirror. But hippies and the poor will live in those ghettos. Luckily the internet and smartphones have taken away half our need to think, planned cities like that will take away the rest. 24 hour drunk here we come!!! Oh, and with legal weed, we never have to be sober again!
Originally posted by UCFWayne:
Yea for more government in our daily lives! Im too stupid to make any real choices*
It's techno-collectivism. It's not quite communism as people seemingly have a right to not participate, however it is implied that those that choose not to participate will be doomed to a dark, miserable life of squalor. This short appeared four years ago to moderate praise. It was shown again, reintroduced, at SXSW shortly after Gore's speech and was given an ovation.

I'm all about sustainability, that is one part of me that has never changed, as long as it is RATIONAL. This short is simply an elitist urban vision and there are many, especially outside of the United States, that are using this to appeal to the UN's sustainability mission.

This post was edited on 3/18 10:49 AM by Malthus Doctrine