Promote from within for UCF President


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 10, 2002
  • Dale Whittaker, Ph.D., provost and executive vice president, University of Central Florida
  • Dale-Whittaker_2014-196x300.jpg
Word is from the inside, Dr Dale has been running UCF for a few years now.
As a UCF Faculty member, I can attest that Dale is a fantastic Provost. I believe he’ll be a GREAT President as well. A small donor event with Coach Huepel was held in Atlanta the day before to the Peach Bowl. Dale presided over everything at the event and I believe he’ll continue UCF’s strong focus on athletics as a major definer of the University’s identify.
As a UCF Faculty member, I can attest that Dale is a fantastic Provost. I believe he’ll be a GREAT President as well. A small donor event with Coach Huepel was held in Atlanta the day before to the Peach Bowl. Dale presided over everything at the event and I believe he’ll continue UCF’s strong focus on athletics as a major definer of the University’s identify.
Was that the event at Coke HQ?
I think Dale should get the gig. The rest of the 'candidates' are just a formality. Something for their resume to look better, and they know it.
I was wondering if we had a favorite candidate inside that was hidden within all the candidates. It makes sense that at this point that an insider has been doing much of the work for the president. As long as the appointee is a good fund raiser?
Anyone know what the search committee is prioritizing? I would assume it’s reasearch and the endowment. We don’t need to grow anymore in size so I think we pivot to a new direction
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