Remember the arrogance of Louisville fans & how they trolled this board after winning in 2013 ?

It wasn’t when they won that they were the worst. It’s when they accused us of cheating to steal 2 of their commits that they were assclowns. They should get worse than we got. Vacating a Championship is not a big deal to me. Everyone has the rings and the newspaper clippings. They need postseason bans going forward.
Papa John knew this day was coming, so he made sure he wouldn't remember it
Hell, I can't even tell them apart to see who is worse. They all look alike. Look at red puffball in that pic above.
Some Kentucky women are attractive, but definitely not that sourpuss. No women in Nobraska are even semi hot. Even the chick Lawrence Philips and Frost were fighting over in the 90’s was average at best. Just think about it. The 2 best football players are fighting over an average woman. Pathetic
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Some Kentucky women are attractive, but definitely not that sourpuss. No women in Nobraska are even semi hot. Even the chick Lawrence Philips and Frost were fighting over in the 90’s was average at best. Just think about it. The 2 best football players are fighting over an average woman. Pathetic

Wait !? I've never heard that story before. C'mon guys - anyone got some intel on this ?

EDIT: Did a search. Wow! Talk about effed up. Why would Scott Frost ever want to go back to that type of environment ? And yes, the girl was about, what a 4 or 5 (maybe).
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Wait !? I've never heard that story before. C'mon guys - anyone got some intel on this ?

EDIT: Did a search. Wow! Talk about effed up. Why would Scott Frost ever want to go back to that type of environment ? And yes, the girl was about, what a 4 or 5 (maybe).
Hours after the team returned from East Lansing on September 10, 1995, Phillips broke into backup quarterback Scott Frost's apartment by climbing the outside of the building to the third floor and entering through some sliding doors. He then assaulted basketball player Kate McEwen. Phillips dragged McEwen out of the apartment by the hair and down three flights of stairs before smashing her head into a mailbox. Phillips was subsequently arrested, and eventually suspended by head coach Tom Osborne. The case became a source of controversy and media attention, with the perception that Frost had not even tried to protect McEwen and that Osborne was coddling a star player by not kicking Phillips off the team permanently. Osborne walked out on a press conference when asked "If one of your players had roughed up a member of your family and had dragged her down a flight of steps, would you have reinstated that player to the team?"[8] Outraged Nebraska faculty proposed that any student convicted of a violent crime be prohibited from representing the university on the football field.[9] Osborne defended the decision, saying that abandoning Phillips might do more harm than good, stating the best way to help Phillips was within the structured environment of the football program. Osborne stated "“I felt the only thing I could put in a place that would keep him on track was football, because that was probably the only consistent organizing factor in his life."[10] After a six-game suspension, Osborne reinstated Phillips for the Iowa State game,[11] although touted freshman Ahman Green continued to start. Phillips also played against Kansas and Oklahoma
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Tell me again why Osborne is loved? Frost thinks Osborne was a standup guy? As it turns out, sweeping assault under the rug wasn’t what was best for anyone.
Tell me again why Osborne is loved? Frost thinks Osborne was a standup guy? As it turns out, sweeping assault under the rug wasn’t what was best for anyone.
Osborne thought that without football Phillips had no chance. That it was the only thing that would keep him out of trouble and save him from a path of criminal activity and self-destruction. That’s what he said, but what if he was a mediocre running back?

He was a great talent, but Osborne only saved him temporarily from the inevitable.
Osborne thought that without football Phillips had no chance. That it was the only thing that would keep him out of trouble and save him from a path of criminal activity and self-destruction. That’s what he said, but what if he was a mediocre running back?

He was a great talent, but Osborne only saved him temporarily from the inevitable.
Was anybody ever kicked off Cornhumpers Team? If you find one you can ask Osborne why Phillips wasn’t too. Even just as embarrassing is Frost just standing there and letting the girl get her ass beat. Talk about a pussy.
Was anybody ever kicked off Cornhumpers Team? If you find one you can ask Osborne why Phillips wasn’t too. Even just as embarrassing is Frost just standing there and letting the girl get her ass beat. Talk about a pussy.
I’m not sure about that

Rumor was that Frost might have hid in the closet, however, I’m not saying that I know that to be fact for sure.

Philips was a bad hombre. He would have tore that version of Frost to pieces. Maybe not the Frost who restrained Lagarette Blount.
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Philips was a bad hombre. He would have tore that version of Frost to pieces. Maybe not the Frost who restrained Lagarette Blount.
Phillips could probably fight both of them at the same time if he's in the right mood.
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Yes but you don’t let a girl get beat up because you might get beat up. That’s embarrassing.
You’re probably right, but in hindsight Frost would have been seriously injured. Possibly even suffering major permanent damage or murdered.
Lawrence Philips in a rage wasn’t something that you wanted to mess with.
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Yes but you don’t let a girl get beat up because you might get beat up. That’s embarrassing.

You’re probably right, but in hindsight Frost would have been seriously injured. Possibly even suffering major permanent damage or murdered.
Lawrence Philips in a rage wasn’t something that you wanted to mess with.
Id bet on a pissed of Phillips fighting off Frost, the ex-gf and Lagarette Blount all at once. Insert Chuck Norris joke here.
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You’re probably right, but in hindsight Frost would have been seriously injured. Possibly even suffering major permanent damage or murdered.
Lawrence Philips in a rage wasn’t something that you wanted to mess with.

Smith and Wesson makes all men equal - and to honest, that thug was going to end up in prison one day anyway.

It was his destiny from the day of his birth.
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Well they did import SF's wife. though as bundled as she likely has been no one will see her before late may.
She won’t move there. If she does, they will stalk and kidnap her. They will force her to enter the Miss Nebraska contest which she will win hands down even right after having a baby. [roll]
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Another thing too about Nebraska women:

Scott Frost got sloppy seconds AFTER Lawrence Phillips got "through" with her.

Yeah. Let that sink in. A star QB almost always gets the cream of the crop on sorority row so if that is the best the star QB can get that is a damnable indictment on the females in that state.
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Another thing too about Nebraska women:

Scott Frost got sloppy seconds AFTER Lawrence Phillips got "through" with her.

Yeah. Let that sink in. A star QB almost always gets the cream of the crop on sorority row so if that is the best the star QB can get that is a damnable indictment on the females in that state.
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Osborne thought that without football Phillips had no chance. That it was the only thing that would keep him out of trouble and save him from a path of criminal activity and self-destruction. That’s what he said, but what if he was a mediocre running back?

He was a great talent, but Osborne only saved him temporarily from the inevitable.

Yes, Osborne would have done the same thing. 3 years before the Phillips incident there was a backup running back on the team that developed a mental illness. He was no longer capable of competing in football and Osborne felt he still could help the kid so he moved him into his own home. Some time later that player completely lost it and was running down a street in Lincoln naked and was ultimately shot by a cop, which paralyzed him below the waist. Osborne took him back in and did what he could until the players death a few years later.

Phillips had a terrible upbringing in a gang infested neighborhood with no parents to care for him. He ultimately ended up in prison and was murdered by another inmate. Phillips brought his concerns to the dept of corrections and nothing was done. He started sending letters to Osborne about learning to become a Christian and turning his life around and asking if he could help to get his concerns addressed. To my knowledge it is still being investigated by the authorities in California on why nothing was done.
Yes, Osborne would have done the same thing. 3 years before the Phillips incident there was a backup running back on the team that developed a mental illness. He was no longer capable of competing in football and Osborne felt he still could help the kid so he moved him into his own home. Some time later that player completely lost it and was running down a street in Lincoln naked and was ultimately shot by a cop, which paralyzed him below the waist. Osborne took him back in and did what he could until the players death a few years later.

Phillips had a terrible upbringing in a gang infested neighborhood with no parents to care for him. He ultimately ended up in prison and was murdered by another inmate. Phillips brought his concerns to the dept of corrections and nothing was done. He started sending letters to Osborne about learning to become a Christian and turning his life around and asking if he could help to get his concerns addressed. To my knowledge it is still being investigated by the authorities in California on why nothing was done.
Gang infested does not mean you get to beat women. Why were these 2 guys kicked off team? They beat up men.
Gang infested does not mean you get to beat women. Why were these 2 guys kicked off team? They beat up men.

Clearly not. I was just saying that Phillips had a rough upbringing and wasn't emotionally stable in part because he grew up in an atmosphere where violence was not only tolerated but encouraged.

I don't recall the events of the other incident perfectly but I believe what happened was 2 football players didn't want to pay for their beer and got kicked out of a party. They came back with a crowbar and a baseball bat and assaulted several people.

FTR, I thought Phillips should have been kicked off the team and in all honesty it wouldn't have made a difference to the team winning games. We had 4 other running backs that year that could have started at almost any team in the country. Ahman Green was the 4th string guy that year and he ended up being an all American and a pro bowler. The narrative that Osborne let Phillips come back as a win at all costs decision just wasn't true. We beat 3 top ten teams without him.

Also, the rumor that frost didn't do anything to stop Phillips is not true. We had some pretty bad dudes on that team and even the toughest guys have said that they wouldn't want to fight Phillips. One of them said he could have taken on the whole team. Scott tried to intervene but there wasn't any stopping Lawrence that night.
Clearly not. I was just saying that Phillips had a rough upbringing and wasn't emotionally stable in part because he grew up in an atmosphere where violence was not only tolerated but encouraged.

I don't recall the events of the other incident perfectly but I believe what happened was 2 football players didn't want to pay for their beer and got kicked out of a party. They came back with a crowbar and a baseball bat and assaulted several people.

FTR, I thought Phillips should have been kicked off the team and in all honesty it wouldn't have made a difference to the team winning games. We had 4 other running backs that year that could have started at almost any team in the country. Ahman Green was the 4th string guy that year and he ended up being an all American and a pro bowler. The narrative that Osborne let Phillips come back as a win at all costs decision just wasn't true. We beat 3 top ten teams without him.

Also, the rumor that frost didn't do anything to stop Phillips is not true. We had some pretty bad dudes on that team and even the toughest guys have said that they wouldn't want to fight Phillips. One of them said he could have taken on the whole team. Scott tried to intervene but there wasn't any stopping Lawrence that night.
I can find more. This was on fast google search.
They probably weren't starters.

There have been but I don't recall any from the Osborne years other than Terrell farley, who was one of the best players I have ever seen on a college football team. Generally speaking the team was a bunch of good kids and they respected Osborne and his values. Since then we have had a couple, most notably Richie incognito.
There have been but I don't recall any from the Osborne years other than Terrell farley, who was one of the best players I have ever seen on a college football team. Generally speaking the team was a bunch of good kids and they respected Osborne and his values. Since then we have had a couple, most notably Richie incognito.

What is this "we" stuff ? There is no "we" between Nebraska and UCF - and definitely no "we" in regards to that vile punk thug Incognito.
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What is this "we" stuff ? There is no "we" between Nebraska and UCF - and definitely no "we" in regards to that vile punk thug Incognito.

Were you not aware that I am a Nebraska fan? I'm responding to a question, not implicating anyone in anything.