Russia unveils 'Satan 2' ballistic missile

Ain't afraid. After Trump is done with Putin they'll be decommissioned by March.
Just look at this passage from the 2012 debates. Which one now looks like the flaming moron getting owned repeatedly on foreign policy?

“You said Russia. Not Al Qaida. You said Russia,” Obama said regarding biggest threats. “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because…the cold war’s been over for 20 years.”

Romney offered a powerful retort: “Russia, I indicated, is a geopolitical foe…and I said in the same paragraph I said and Iran is the greatest national security threat we face. Russia does continue to battle us in the U.N. time and time again. I have clear eyes on this. I’m not going to wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to Russia or Mr. Putin…”
Does it f*&^king matter? Even if the first ICBM that is fired is from the 70s, the whole earth can kiss their ass goodbye in about 8 minutes
Meanwhile Hillary wants a no fly zone in Syria, all but assuring that we start actually fighting Russia instead of this proxy war we have now.

exactly - way to go with all the war mongering with China and Russia. See my previous comments about Assad and how things were stable before foreign interventions. U.S. needs to let Syria go and focus on ISIS.
It's funny and scary how quickly we get spun up on Russia.

We contribute to the ousting of an elected pro Russian government on the border of Russia, then follow that up with a pro Western government and threats of "tripwire" troops. We go on to berate Russia when they push back, but who is the aggressor here? Don't poke the bear unless your ready to fight. The fact the government has allowed the situation to deteriorate where we're only a few steps from War with Russia is enough of a reason to get rid of establishment politicians. Flip the script and imagine Ukraine is Mexico, how would we have responded?

The DNC cyber attack being blamed on Russia is another area that I'm skeptical on. We've signed UN agreements that if we make an accusation against another State for wrong doing we must provide evidence. We have yet to do that. It could be that means and methods could be disclosed by providing proof which is why the US government has not done it. Regardless, the evidence that is public so haphazardly points to Russia that I question whether it's been spoofed by a third party to heighten tensions between the US and Russia. Here's a post from a strategic advisor to NATO and works primarily with German companies, which perhaps gives a less slanted view of the situation.