scientific authority supports chemtrail theory

Speaking of which, I was behind a minivan yesterday that was sporting both a USF license plate holder and a window sticker that read "Climate Change through Chemistry" around a picture of a jet plane and its vapor trail. These idiots are everywhere.
The thing that scares me most is that too many people regurgitate things 3rd hand from the media, who themselves are getting it 2nd hand, and neither have the scientific background to understand nor, even worse, the comprehension to repeat it correctly. It doesn't have to be a "church" for someone to step back and recognize that any time people blindly reiterate what they hear, but don't understand, they are literally not only taking it on the "faith" of what someone else says ... but "faith" (not "knowledge") in themselves to repeat it correctly.

Even worse, when I point this out, as well as various aspects of engineering from simple energy realities to thermodynamics, people think I'm a "climate change denier." No, I'm trying to get you to understand climate change, not what you think you heard, from someone else who thinks they heard, from someone who actually does know WTF they are talking about! E.g., it's great that you want to generate hydrogen in your home for your car to "cut off big oil," but that energy you use for electrolysis still comes from your outlet!