Score Prediction for first game?

A better prediction is when does everyone leave the stadium?
At the 3rd quarter around the 8 minute mark.

My heart says we should hang 60 plus. My head says , some how or some way Gus calls a conservative kind of game and the score is in the 40s.
42-17 kind of game .

Disclaimer. I know absolutely nothing about New Hampshire nor do I care to learn. 😆
I just hope no one gets injured in the process of running up the score or shutting down their offense. It would be a good game to get our second and third stringers some tape on and save the starters for our conference games.
I just hope no one gets injured in the process of running up the score or shutting down their offense. It would be a good game to get our second and third stringers some tape on and save the starters for our conference games.
Definitely have second string in, in the middle of the 3rd quarter. The second game should be a W also.
New Hampshire? Who cares? Can’t believe they made a New Hampshire anyway. The old one sucked.
It is an improvement IMO.

The New 'Shire in the Lord of the Rings trilogy was far better than the old 'Shire in The Hobbit.

Mr. Frodo ran amuck over Sauron's army, but Gus's army of mids will shut his azz down.

lord of the rings no GIF
Southern coast of England, and is the county in which the city of Portsmouth is located. Now, we can sleep at night!

Oh, and 52-10
See what I mean? People living in a mouth. That’s a breeding ground for bacteria. Not to mention everyone walking around shiring their hamps in public. I’m living behind a bicuspid and my neighbor has his hamp hanging out. Place is gross.
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