Selena Gomez

IMO she's just not that hot. Don't get me wrong, I would still pound her like the fist of an angry god. But she lost most of her hotness when she started pinning over the little POS Justin Bieber. Geeezus Gawd Almighty ... how could any chick who is decent looking feel bad about breaking up with that little fairy.

Taylor Swift on the other hand is getting hotter and hotter. TS has far surpassed Selena.
It's a news stand magazine cover. Technically she is topless, just like technically I was wearing pants when I got kicked out of the bar last weekend.

She didn't have a top on, but it is going next to the bubblegum and candy bars at Publix so you get a big pic of her shoulder and back. ** Scandalous **

and for the record around my ankle is still considered on but there was a long line at the men's room and they put that fountain far too close to the bar.
Originally posted by Good Knight Sweetheart:
bt, I didn't post a link because I don't wanna see her, or any other women, nekked. I just wanted to create a thread that wasn't about the political news.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
don't want to, but can't stop yourself now can you
Tallahassee spoils you. So does the UCF campus. For a college age young lady, she just isn't that attractive. She's a solid 10 in Tulsa, but she'd have trouble getting dates without help from her sorority sisters in this town. I'd help her spend the millions though ....
Triple meh/yawn,

Pictures aren't that good, but if you have a thing for her, I guess its something.

The whole high waisted butt cracker nonsense I will never understand. Girls are either too fat to be wearing them or the look like they are only wearing them to cover up their pre-period bloating. Either way, yuck.

Come and get it
If OP wasn't living with the mod she'd be banned for this catastrophe.

I think she's kinda hot. But def not in these pictures. Why would they make a relatively young girl look even younger? And she's less nekkid than the models in the SI swimsuit edition.
Just looked and it's painfully photoshopped. Looks so awkward that I wouldn't even be shocked to learn that it's not her body.
Another coked up party chick with bubblegum music written for her. She is a 'product', that as long as they can make money on, will still throw her face out there (with photoshopped curves). Will be a distant memory in the not so distant future, when they can't make anymore money on their 'product'.
Originally posted by Boston.Knight:
Another coked up party chick with bubblegum music written for her. She is a 'product', that as long as they can make money on, will still throw her face out there (with photoshopped curves). Will be a distant memory in the not so distant future, when they can't make anymore money on their 'product'.
Wow, you really cracked the industry code. Thanks for filling us in*