Serious question


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
Once we are on the back side of this, how will you know and who will you trust when they say we are?

The media?
The WHO?

Every one of them have given us contradicting opinions over the last 4 weeks. Is there anybody out there that has maintained some level of consistency throughout this?
Once we are on the back side of this, how will you know and who will you trust when they say we are?

The media?
The WHO?

Every one of them have given us contradicting opinions over the last 4 weeks. Is there anybody out there that has maintained some level of consistency throughout this?
No one's been consistent because the information is changing so rapidly. I think you need to see sustained declines in death totals in all of the hot spot regions and no new emerging hot spots before you can really say we're on the recovery side. Confirmed cases is too subjective to use without universal testing. Death is not.
No one's been consistent because the information is changing so rapidly. I think you need to see sustained declines in death totals in all of the hot spot regions and no new emerging hot spots before you can really say we're on the recovery side. Confirmed cases is too subjective to use without universal testing. Death is not.

That's kind of my point. Just for arguments sake, let's say that Wyoming has zero deaths and very few cases. And on the flip side New York has 5 times the number of deaths and 5 times the number of cases of any state. These are 2 states that have taken diametrically opposed strategies but have diametrically different living conditions. Which one handled it correctly and how do we know? Fauci endorses what New York has done and decries what Wyoming has done. How do we reconcile that? Was he right or was he wrong?