SI swimsuit cover controversy


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Nov 30, 2005
Really? What's the problem here? That she's being suggestive? That if you really look you can see the top of the mound? I mean stores are being pressured to pull this from the rack. SAVE THE CHILDREN!!!

People buy this magazine to see hot girls in small amounts of clothing. I do believe Kate Upton's tits have been hanging out of her swimsuit for a few years now and yet no one cared.

This magainze always has been roughly 3 oz of clothing away from being a Playboy.
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That's the thing that gets me. Maybe there's been an outcry every year and I just didn't pick up on it but this cover seems to be just like the rest of em.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
every year, prudish women and their whipped husbands raise the moral outcry about a sports magazine showing nearly naked womens. I remember when I was 10 or 12 and the first nipple appeared through a wet swimsuit and you'd have thought that Hitler had risen from the dead.
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Just because a handful of nimby's have a problem with something doesnt make it a controversy. How is that any different that previous years?
The SI swimsuit cover 2015 was met with an survey from Yahoo Health found that 48 percent of respondents deem the cover "degrading." The National Center on Sexual Exploitation even asked retailers not to put the cover on display, saying that it should not be seen by young children.
"Sports Illustrated's 2015 Swimsuit issue's cover does not simply feature a beautiful woman in a bikini, it borders obscenity as the focus is specifically on the exposed pubic area," said NCSE executive director Dawn Hawkins.
The 2009 cover was nearly exactly the same.

Did society melt down and crumble then?
They should troll next year. One of their Size 8, "plus size" models in a belly shirt that says "Fat Chicks Rule" with the same mons exposing partial bottom drop.
Originally posted by HuffyCane:
They should troll next year. One of their Size 8, "plus size" models in a belly shirt that says "Fat Chicks Rule" with the same mons exposing partial bottom drop.
Man a nice big ol fupa would look great on the cover.
I do not see any issue, with this issue.
The woman is hot on the cover, she is covering up the basics, Kids see everything, and yes less and less is more prevalent.

I think people need to take a chill pill over some things.

We should drop SI covers throughout the ISIS controlled area. it would piss them off!
The outraged parents would be shocked if they ever saw their kids snapchat timeline.

Seeing a bare ass on cable tv shows is now common
Meh, the whole fvcking thing is Photoshopped anyway so it's like looking at any number of works hanging in the Louvre.

This post was edited on 2/12 4:37 PM by EweSeaEff
I can't wait for the picketing in front of the 50 Shades of Grey premiere.

Also, have 50 Shades of Grey fans never heard of this thing called "porn"? They're gonna go nuts when they find out about the internet.
This post was edited on 2/13 8:56 PM by UCF w00t
jugs not drugs
pu**ies not wussies
more porn, less scorn
less hair, more bare
less flabby ain't too shabby
very fond of blonde
Um I see nothing wrong here! It's a fine grooming job and should be advertised to the world! Her wax company should get a plug or something. People who are made are likely jealous that they have never experienced something so amazing
Fuggin Jets and his fuggin resurrecting of posts.
