Since the New York governor can't control the state


Golden Knight
Nov 27, 2005
and residents are trying to flee state over the failure of the governor's leadership, the federal government needs a complete lockdown of the state? Thoughts?
and residents are trying to flee state over the failure of the governor's leadership, the federal government needs a complete lockdown of the state? Thoughts?
Trump got this hair-brained idea from talking to Governor DeSantis of Florida.

DeSantis refused to close beaches during Spring Break but we're to believe the REAL reason why the Sunshine State is primed to become the next pandemic hot spot is because of New Yorkers fleeing south.

It's unreal that this bonehead didn't close all the beaches and issue a Stay at Home order two weeks ago.
Trump got this hair-brained idea from talking to Governor DeSantis of Florida.

DeSantis refused to close beaches during Spring Break but we're to believe the REAL reason why the Sunshine State is primed to become the next pandemic hot spot is because of New Yorkers fleeing south.

It's unreal that this bonehead didn't issue a Stay at Home order two weeks ago.

Stay on subject. New York State is about to pass China in infections. Surely the great almighty regime in a liberal state would never make that happen? Lack of leadership? Hygiene issues? Just trying to get to the bottom of the issues here. ;)
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Stay on subject.
Yeah, let's bitch about Cuomo, not a real leader like DeSantis.*
Yeah, let's bitch about Cuomo, not a real leader like DeSantis.*

They are essentially doing the same thing although one is in a major hotspot. Between the two this gets over with quickly since everyone will have it and we move along.
This virus only attacks liberals, so you should have no worries.
Stop trashing Cuomo. He’s going to be the next Democratic candidate to be rolled out there. If he doesn’t get Coronafied first. He’s doing a fine job. If Trump let the virus get here, then Cuomo grew it like throwing Gasoline on a fire

At this point, I wouldn’t compare Florida to New York. I would compare New York to 1346 first
I don't blame Cuomo in this. He's done stupid things as Governor but he's managing pretty well here given that NYC becoming a massive problem was always a given. He and Trump seem to piss on eachother in public but then get along in private. New Yorker style.

De Blasio on the other hand is a moron.
Trump got this hair-brained idea from talking to Governor DeSantis of Florida.

DeSantis refused to close beaches during Spring Break but we're to believe the REAL reason why the Sunshine State is primed to become the next pandemic hot spot is because of New Yorkers fleeing south.

It's unreal that this bonehead didn't close all the beaches and issue a Stay at Home order two weeks ago.
Yet he closed the beaches before the governor of California closed theirs. The main issue of the spread in Florida is Broward, Dade and Palm Beach Counties, there you will find the most international travelers. Disney shutting down really helped Central Florida.
Is it in different from making people not go outside after certain times? Making businesses shut down
Sort of. The president technically has the authority to declare a state of emergency (martial law) on a nationwide basis, but short of that he doesnt have the authority to prohibit interstate travel.
Sort of. The president technically has the authority to declare a state of emergency (martial law) on a nationwide basis, but short of that he doesnt have the authority to prohibit interstate travel.
And there you have it. I bet you South Korea doesn’t have this problem.