Simple solution, don't run red lights
Research the history on that one.
I.e., lowering yellow light times (below US DoT recommendations, even state laws**), justifying tickets out of revenue (not actual law breaking), etc... and the massive increase in rear collisions, especially when yellow light times are reduced. And then there's the "lack of due process" in clogging up the system.
**Contractors are often guilty of breaking the law, especially when they are funded based on revenue. They get a slap after it's caught.
It's even worse when you consider the original rulings by Federal judges that predicted this would happen, why they shot it down, well before it became legal in various Common Law after.
Now Georgia and a few other "sane" states have actually passed laws that require yellow light times to be increased. This actually causes only those lights to stay that actually work, and are needed, and aren't just revenue generating because they merely exist. Florida has been a big abuser in lowering yellow light times, and municipalities and the state have been very guilty of refusing to disclose information.
It's that which bothers me as a Libertarian. Kinda like how the bigger problem the ACLU had with the New York gun law wasn't the law itself, but the statistics the New York state tried to cover up for 2 years after it's passage ... which even the New York Supreme Court took major issue with. It's not whether the law, overriding a civil right, is wrong ... it's that they cover it up because the courts would quickly see the justification for limiting civil rights is not warranted at all.
And I'm not even going to visit the "conspiracy theories" when a city loses money, and try to end it and the bleeding, only to have a sudden "federal grant" keep the system in-place ... with it cameras. That's another issue unrelated to revenue.