So my Stanford trip just got more expensive


Silver Knight
Gold Member
Mar 14, 2005
$490 for a red light camera ticket... Plus 1 point on my licence. Never hired a lawyer before but I have a legal plan from work so I'm going to give it a shot.

I think that's about triple the amount in Orlando... Yay for blue states!
$490 for a red light camera ticket... Plus 1 point on my licence. Never hired a lawyer before but I have a legal plan from work so I'm going to give it a shot.
I think that's about triple the amount in Orlando... Yay for blue states!
Even worse considering the original US Federal rulings on these. "Revenue generation" was purposely outlawed, it was supposed to be like a "parking ticket," and yet, that's what pays for it now ... along with the contractor.

I got smacked with a 15mph over ticket in Arizona back in 2010 with one of those "image differential" cameras. I saw the video and I was like, "That's a 35mph zone?" It was a highway, and it clearly said 45mph at points. I guess I missed the speed trap. But it was still only half the price of yours. Maybe not today?
Simple solution, don't run red lights
Research the history on that one. ;)

I.e., lowering yellow light times (below US DoT recommendations, even state laws**), justifying tickets out of revenue (not actual law breaking), etc... and the massive increase in rear collisions, especially when yellow light times are reduced. And then there's the "lack of due process" in clogging up the system.

**Contractors are often guilty of breaking the law, especially when they are funded based on revenue. They get a slap after it's caught.

It's even worse when you consider the original rulings by Federal judges that predicted this would happen, why they shot it down, well before it became legal in various Common Law after.

Now Georgia and a few other "sane" states have actually passed laws that require yellow light times to be increased. This actually causes only those lights to stay that actually work, and are needed, and aren't just revenue generating because they merely exist. Florida has been a big abuser in lowering yellow light times, and municipalities and the state have been very guilty of refusing to disclose information.

It's that which bothers me as a Libertarian. Kinda like how the bigger problem the ACLU had with the New York gun law wasn't the law itself, but the statistics the New York state tried to cover up for 2 years after it's passage ... which even the New York Supreme Court took major issue with. It's not whether the law, overriding a civil right, is wrong ... it's that they cover it up because the courts would quickly see the justification for limiting civil rights is not warranted at all.

And I'm not even going to visit the "conspiracy theories" when a city loses money, and try to end it and the bleeding, only to have a sudden "federal grant" keep the system in-place ... with it cameras. That's another issue unrelated to revenue. ;)
Ouch. Seems like a great way to keep tourists away.
I work a lot of colleagues in the area. They think "very differently." Of course, when they get hit ... they complain just like anyone else. ;)

They are the types in the Bay area that would buy a Tesla, laud the charging stations there, and then drive it through Alabama and complain about the lack of remote charging stations. All the meanwhile, they don't actually own a Tesla, and complain "Big Oil" makes them expensive.
I get the need for a fine, albeit not $490 worth. I have no problem paying a stupid tax It's more the one point that annoys me. It's not enough that private companies are hired by counties to generate revenue, now they have someone who's not in law enforcement negatively affecting my motor vehicle record based on something they're watching on a computer screen.

Initial feedback is beating the points shouldn't be a problem but getting the fine reduced may not be easy.
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I'm sure that $490 fine will go to a good cause....especially if the locale is a sanctuary city.
I get the need for a fine, albeit not $490 worth. I have no problem paying a stupid tax It's more the one point that annoys me. It's not enough that private companies are hired by counties to generate revenue, now they have someone who's not in law enforcement negatively affecting my motor vehicle record based on something they're watching on a computer screen.

Initial feedback is beating the points shouldn't be a problem but getting the fine reduced may not be easy.

Isn't that how most people beat the ticket? Non law enforcement doesn't have the authority to issue citations
typical con blaming others for his issues
Don't run red lights
Again, some states encourage it by lowering yellow light times below US DoT recommendations, sometimes even below state minimums ... in the state! That's because outsourced, contracted services are often provided, and there are revenue-based incentives in many cases.

Florida is one of the states where it's not illegal to lower yellow light times, and it's only caught when a "whistle blower" speaks up. There also have been a couple Florida cities who have decided to remove them, only to be granted newfound DHS funding. Gee ... wonder why? ;)

Georgia, on the other hand, has passed laws requiring higher, minimum yellow light times whenever cameras are installed, which have adversely affected revenue. Most avoid Georgia now, except in areas where the cameras are very much warranted and are very much used for ... gasp ... actual safety!

And that's the thing. They aren't about safety any more. They are about revenue. It will hit the US Supreme Court at some point, and then a lot of companies and municipalities will be out a lot of money. ;)
typical con blaming others for his issues

Don't run red lights

Thought you'd have more concern for your people...

Could you imagine a single mother of twelve sucking the government teet who's a couple minutes late for her nail appointment. If she strolls through a red light in California the fine would be so outrageous she might have to settle for an iPhone 6 instead of the 6S