So what will be Trump's first broken election promise be?

There's no way that wall gets built. And as long as no new developments come up, there isn't going to be a special prosecutor for Hillary.
He already is backtracking most of what he said..
And The Heads of The GOP already said forget the wall..
So.. Key for him is now, he realizes he has nothing.. He needs Congress to pass what he wants..
And they will not be easy to deal with.
Easier that it is his party, but not by much..

When he passes Trumpcare aka a Single Payer System for Healthcare can we laugh then??
  1. Special prosecutor for Hillary
  2. Build a wall
  3. Fire Janet Yellen
  4. Ban Muslims
  5. Ship out illegals

It will be hard to top Obama's number of shipping illegals out of the in just 7 years, his administration has deported more people than all the other previous presidents combined.

Here are just the numbers for 2015:

WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 statistics which reflect the Department’s immigration enforcement efforts that prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.

Overall, the Department apprehended 406,595 individuals nationwide and conducted a total of 462,463 removals and returns. The U.S. Border Patrol reported 337,117 apprehensions nationwide, compared to 486,651 in FY 2014. At the same time, ICE removed or returned 235,413 individuals in FY 2015, with 86 percent of these individuals considered a “top priority” (Priority One) – those considered border security or public safety threats.
His 100 day plan is horrifying to me but most of it won't get done. Republican leaders have basically flat out said not gonna happen to half the stuff he wants to do.

They will of course try to repeal Obamacare but without a real plan, that's not going to happen anytime soon.

The only thing he really can do immediately is get rid of Obama's executive actions on immigration, which is what I worry about most. It's a HORRIBLE idea. It would literally make almost 1 million, working, tax-paying individuals instantly lose their jobs and have to go back to hiding in the shadows and take under the table work and pay NO taxes. Getting rid of DACA would literally make me take to the street and protest if there was one.
It will be hard to top Obama's number of shipping illegals out of the in just 7 years, his administration has deported more people than all the other previous presidents combined.

Here are just the numbers for 2015:

WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its end of Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 statistics which reflect the Department’s immigration enforcement efforts that prioritize convicted criminals and threats to public safety, border security, and national security.

Overall, the Department apprehended 406,595 individuals nationwide and conducted a total of 462,463 removals and returns. The U.S. Border Patrol reported 337,117 apprehensions nationwide, compared to 486,651 in FY 2014. At the same time, ICE removed or returned 235,413 individuals in FY 2015, with 86 percent of these individuals considered a “top priority” (Priority One) – those considered border security or public safety threats.

LIES!!!!!!! Trump told me nothing but rapists and criminals are flooding over the border and Obama welcomes this with open arms.
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Lots of interesting and ambitious stuff in here, including:

  • Term limits for Congress
  • Hiring freeze on Federal workers
  • restrictions on former government officials becoming lobbyists
  • Withdraw or renegotiate NAFTA
  • Withdraw from TPP
  • Lift restrictions on coal, shale, fracking, and sign the Keystone Pipeline deal
  • Cancel payments to the UN climate change programs
  • Cancel every executive order by Obama
  • Deporting 2M immigrants and cancel visas to countries that won't take them back
  • Suspend immigration form "terror-prone" countries

I have a feeling he won't be able to do most of this or won't even attempt it with in the 1st 100 days.
Renegotiate all trade deals.
Cut middle class taxes
Penalize companies operating overseas.
I think he's able to make changes on the trade deals. Those have mostly been run by the executive branch anyways. Just look at the TPP, the document is classified to purposefully shield it from scrutiny and they laid out a Fast Track Trade approval process to eliminate the debate in Congress. At a minimum, Trump has the power to either kill the deal or provide transparency to the voting public.
* Fire Janet Yellen - promise broken. Could never fire her in the first place, but could pressure. Staffers announced he will not. Why would he? He needs a dove as the Fed head to print all the money he wants to reflate with.

* Ban muslims - promise broken. Tweets deleted.
Lots of interesting and ambitious stuff in here, including:
  • Term limits for Congress
Every amendment ever passed has been done by congress approval (66% I believe), followed by a vote in the states and 75% of the states need to pass it.

Obviously there is no way senators and reps will vote to limit their careers. So Trump would have to call a constitutional convention of the state governors. 66% have to approve, then it has to be approved in the next vote by 75% of the states.
Every amendment ever passed has been done by congress approval (66% I believe), followed by a vote in the states and 75% of the states need to pass it.

Obviously there is no way senators and reps will vote to limit their careers. So Trump would have to call a constitutional convention of the state governors. 66% have to approve, then it has to be approved in the next vote by 75% of the states.
True, but the threat of an Article 5 Convention has forced Congress' hand before. The 17th Amendment had 27 states of the 31 needed calling for a constitutional convention. Once Congress realized it was a sure thing, they tried to score political points by proposing the amendment themselves. It's not out of the realm of possibility if the populace is behind it.
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I guarantee you he attacks NAFTA and goes after a sweeping tax reform package first. One that includes a tax repatriation for companies Who agree to move operations back onshore and some punishment for those who continue shipping jobs out.
Trump confirms will not prosecute Hillary as promised in campaign. Already so many promises broken and hasn't even taken office yet. Off to a great start!
Also looking like he won't put a blind trust between him and his businesses, leaving him wide open for corruption charges and influence from foreign governments

And he's yet to release his taxes
Also looking like he won't put a blind trust between him and his businesses, leaving him wide open for corruption charges and influence from foreign governments

And he's yet to release his taxes

He's never releasing his taxes.
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Also looking like he won't put a blind trust between him and his businesses, leaving him wide open for corruption charges and influence from foreign governments

And he's yet to release his taxes

A blind trust typically works by whoever is entering office to liquidate nearly all of their current holdings, put it into the blind trust, and allow a 3rd party manager to invest and manage the money without any idea of what the person in office is doing (or knows of).

The key word there is liquidate. If someone has $500K with Ameriprise, they can pretty much just hit "Sell" and liquidate over night. You can't exactly do that when you have hundreds of properties, around the world, subject to different foreign laws, and each of which being worth millions of dollars. Liquidating that much real estate would take years and years.
A blind trust typically works by whoever is entering office to liquidate nearly all of their current holdings, put it into the blind trust, and allow a 3rd party manager to invest and manage the money without any idea of what the person in office is doing (or knows of).

The key word there is liquidate. If someone has $500K with Ameriprise, they can pretty much just hit "Sell" and liquidate over night. You can't exactly do that when you have hundreds of properties, around the world, subject to different foreign laws, and each of which being worth millions of dollars. Liquidating that much real estate would take years and years.
Understood. You might want to tell The Donald that too, because he clearly said he would do just that, yet it would be nearly impossible.
Back peddling on water boarding now too. Looks like the only promise he will get done for sure is can TPP. What a train wreck in the making.