Something we dont do around here.


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
Is there anything that any of you need prayers for? I realize that this is something typically reserved for only our closest friends and family but it seems like something we should be able to ask for from anyone. It doesn't have to be specific because its an open forum and nobody likes to just lay their problems out there for everyone to see, but its ok to say yes I have something that needs to be prayed about.
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Everyone needs prayers, some more than others. If you're offering, add me to your prayer list...continued health and happiness prayers will be just fine.
Okay,'s the thing - Catholicism doesn't normally allow or promote "colouring outside the lines", so making your own prayers isn't a normal occurrence.

(And @Crazyhole , you're a bad boy and need to stay after to clap the erasers. No, I don't care if you will be inhaling particulate matter. The Lord will protect you and if he doesn't then you must have done something to deserve the punishment. Offer your suffering in silence.)

HOWEVER, in the multi-cultural kumbaya Catholicism of today, you pretty much have no rules. Write a poem, even a haiku. They LOVE's so...ASIAN.

Normally in Protestant prayer (as stated previously), you would address God in repsectful terms, express gratitude for your blessings and make the request. So pretty simple: opening, thanks, request.

Start there with the basics and flesh it in from there. Tack on "in Jesus' name we pray" and you'll be good to go.

What? You expected me to write it *for* you?