"In 2015, following a joint investigation by Stanford's Organization Conduct Board and Title IX Office, it was announced that the band would be prohibited from performing at away athletic events for one year and would be required to adopt a number of reforms."
Usually, it's drunk idiot fans or dumbass mouthy players who make you wonder about your opponents actually coming from an "institute of higher learning." At Stanford, it seems the marching band may be the lowest form of life on campus. I can admire "unconventional," but it seems they've taken it waaaaay past that point. Guess those of us going to the game should mentally prepare for some stupidity and abuse coming from this group. Don't know if they'll dial it back some or be more wound up, considering they've been hit with a travel ban this year.
"In 2015, following a joint investigation by Stanford's Organization Conduct Board and Title IX Office, it was announced that the band would be prohibited from performing at away athletic events for one year and would be required to adopt a number of reforms."
Usually, it's drunk idiot fans or dumbass mouthy players who make you wonder about your opponents actually coming from an "institute of higher learning." At Stanford, it seems the marching band may be the lowest form of life on campus. I can admire "unconventional," but it seems they've taken it waaaaay past that point. Guess those of us going to the game should mentally prepare for some stupidity and abuse coming from this group. Don't know if they'll dial it back some or be more wound up, considering they've been hit with a travel ban this year.