Is being black a choice? I’m sure you would say the same things about the black guys sitting in the white section of the restaurant. They weren’t obeying a lawful order.
At least 85 tries to hide his bigotry.
I haven’t once commented on whether I believe Starbucks was right or wrong for calling the cops on two men who were sitting in their restaurant yet you are erecting a straw man of me as a bigot or racist and then arguing against that. Why is that?
I have addressed the men’s actions and that of the officers. You’re the one making assumptions and calling people bigoted. You’re the one so caught up by your own emotions that you can’t see the facts for what they are. You’re stretching calling my posts bigoted because you cannot even read them clearly for your own biases.
My opinion? I don’t know if that Starbucks has been having problems with non-customers taking up space or not. If so and they’ve been removing people regardless of race or gender with a posted policy that informs people that the facility is for paying customers only, then this is a non-story although maybe bad business and against corporate policy.
My guess, like yours, is that the Starbucks employee that called the cops only did so because they were black. That is wrong and we should be calling out the Starbucks employee(s). Personally, I don’t give a damn what race or gender the 2 individuals were just what they did or didn’t do i this situation.
Once the cops showed up they were doing their job. They should’ve explained that Starbucks was causing the removal and the officers had no choice. Maybe they even did that before the video started. We don’t know. But they have a legal duty to remove patrons from a business if the business requests a trespass. They can’t just not do it.
I am going to take issue with you targeting the police for doing their job and giving the pass to the two men who chose not to follow the police’s lawful orders. This isn’t 1960 and there is no evidence of Starbucks institutionally and regularly depriving any race or gender of their services nor are there laws in Philadelphia segregating people by races. This, for all appearances, is one or two damn idiots who should be fired and should apologize for their actions. They put the men, the police, and the company in bad positions.
Incidentally, what did they end up getting charged with again?