Where are the publicity photoshoots?!?!?!With Biden they think it is free game at the border
They could build a tent city on the white house grounds, hell they already have a fence to cage them in.They should give the illegal aliens bus tickets to DC. Maybe some of the hypocrite politicians can take them in themselves.
Keep the kids here and place them with families that wouldn't have them travel 1000 miles with people that profit in drug and human trafficking, which then tell them to swim across a dangerous river with the hopes of being arrested and put in a cage. A parent that would do that to their child should never be allowed to see that child again. Period.Feed them a meal and then ship them back to wherever they belong and if they don’t know then just ship them out of here. At least I think that’s what is written at the base of the Statue of Liberty. They were unfortunate enough to emerge from a vagina in the wrong geographical location. Tough shit. We should have annexed less of Mexico anyway after the Mexican American war. Now if they were the progeny of Eastern Europeans giving birth here during a “vacation”, i.e. birth tourism, no harm no foul. Thems the rules.
The winner of a contest to raise funds for a pedestal wrote a nice sonnet that nonetheless did not speak for all of America then nor does it now. She wrote that poem as a check on American exceptionalism and as a commentary on any immigration policy. As high-minded as it is, it is not realistic. Americans fought and died over a deliberate set of collected values. It wasn’t luck but blood, sweat, and tears for generations. Those people taught their children the same values and their children sacrificed for those values. Those people also earned the right for them and their legacies to be able to maintain those structures by requiring of people that want to come here from other value systems to embrace those of America.Feed them a meal and then ship them back to wherever they belong and if they don’t know then just ship them out of here. At least I think that’s what is written at the base of the Statue of Liberty. They were unfortunate enough to emerge from a vagina in the wrong geographical location. Tough shit. We should have annexed less of Mexico anyway after the Mexican American war. Now if they were the progeny of Eastern Europeans giving birth here during a “vacation”, i.e. birth tourism, no harm no foul. Thems the rules.